Tutorial: Next.js starter app
Step 3: Integrate BigCommerce APIs and add a database

Step 3: Integrate the BigCommerce API and Add a Database

Now that you have embedded your app in the BigCommerce platform, you're ready to integrate the BigCommerce API.

Anytime you make an API call to BigCommerce, you need to pass in the access token. Storing the access token in a database allows you to persist the session when you call /auth, /load, or /uninstall endpoints.

This step demonstrates how to integrate the sample app with Cloud Firestore (opens in a new tab), a cloud-hosted NoSQLFirebase database, and MySQL (opens in a new tab), a relational database management system.

Install npm packages

If using Firebase, install firebase, jsonwebtoken, and swr npm packages.

Install packages Firebase
npm install --save firebase jsonwebtoken swr

If using MySQL, install mysql2, jsonwebtoken, and swr npm packages.

Install packages MySQL
npm install --save mysql2 jsonwebtoken swr

Firebase version

These instructions have been tested using the firebase v9 package. You can view a list of all the tested package versions in the package.json file on the Step 3 branch (opens in a new tab) of this sample app's repo.

Add scripts

  1. Open package.json in your text editor.

  2. Update the scripts property to include the db:setup script.

Add npm scripts
  "scripts": {
    "db:setup": "node scripts/db.js"
  1. Save your changes.

Add TypeScript definitions

  1. In the root directory of your project, add a types folder.

  2. In the types folder, create auth.ts, db.ts, and index.ts files.

  3. Open the auth.ts file and export User, SessionProps, and QueryParams TypeScript type definitions. You can view auth.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).

Export types auth.ts
export interface User {
    id: number;
    username?: string;
    email: string;
export interface SessionProps {
    access_token?: string;
    scope?: string;
    user: User;
    context: string;
    store_hash?: string;
    timestamp?: number;
export interface QueryParams {
    [key: string]: string | string[];
  1. Open the db.ts file. Import SessionProps from ./index and export StoreData, UserData, and Db TypeScript type definitions. You can view db.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Export types db.ts
import { SessionProps } from './index';
export interface StoreData {
    accessToken?: string;
    scope?: string;
    storeHash: string;
export interface UserData {
    email: string;
    username?: string;
export interface Db {
    setUser(session: SessionProps): Promise<void>;
    setStore(session: SessionProps): Promise<void>;
    getStoreToken(storeHash: string): string | null;
    deleteStore(session: SessionProps): Promise<void>;
  1. Open the index.ts file and export all interfaces. You can view index.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Add exports index.ts
export * from './auth';
export * from './db';

Ngrok expiration and callbacks

If ngrok stops working or your ngrok session expires, restart the tunnel to get the new {ngrok_url} and update the callback URLs in the Developer Portal and the AUTH_CALLBACK in the .env file.

Initialize React Context

React's Context API is a state management tool that streamlines the process of passing data to multiple components at different nesting levels. It lets you pass data through the component tree without having to pass props through multiple levels of React components. To learn more about Context, see React's Context guide (opens in a new tab).

  1. In the root of your app, create a context folder.

  2. In the context folder, create a session.tsx file.

  3. Add the logic to create a context. You can view session.tsx (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).

Add context logic session.tsx
import { useRouter } from 'next/router';
import { createContext, useContext, useEffect, useState } from 'react';
const SessionContext = createContext({ context: '' });
const SessionProvider = ({ children }) => {
  const { query } = useRouter();
  const [context, setContext] = useState('');
  useEffect(() => {
    if (query.context) {
  }, [query.context]);
  return (
    <SessionContext.Provider value={{ context }}>
export const useSession = () => useContext(SessionContext);
export default SessionProvider;

Update environment variables

You use a JSON Web Token (JWT) to securely transmit information encoded as a JSON object between parties. To learn more about JWT, see the Internet Engineering Task Force documentation (opens in a new tab).

  1. Open the .env file.

  2. Enter a JWT secret. Your JWT key should be at least 32 random characters (256 bits) for HS256.

Add JWT secret

JWT key length

The JWT key should be at least 32 random characters (256 bits) for HS256.

Update the auth lib page

  1. In the lib folder, open the auth.ts file.

  2. At the top of the file, add the following imports:

Add imports auth.ts
import * as jwt from 'jsonwebtoken';
import * as BigCommerce from 'node-bigcommerce';
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { QueryParams, SessionProps } from '../types';
import db from './db';
  1. Below the import statements, add the following line of code to destructure environment variables from .env:
Add imports auth.ts
  1. Remove the process.env global variable from the BigCommerce instances.
Export client config auth.ts
const bigcommerce = new BigCommerce({
    logLevel: 'info',
    clientId: CLIENT_ID,
    secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
    callback: AUTH_CALLBACK,
    responseType: 'json',
    headers: { 'Accept-Encoding': '*' },
    apiVersion: 'v3'
const bigcommerceSigned = new BigCommerce({
    secret: CLIENT_SECRET,
    responseType: 'json'
  1. Remove the QueryParams interface.
Remove QueryParams auth.ts
//Delete this code
interface QueryParams {
   [key: string]: string;
  1. Below the bigcommerceSigned variable, export the bigcommerceClient function.
Export client config auth.ts
export function bigcommerceClient(accessToken: string, storeHash: string) {
    return new BigCommerce({
        clientId: CLIENT_ID,
        responseType: 'json',
        apiVersion: 'v3'
  1. Export getBCAuth and getBCVerify functions.
Export JWT handling auth.ts
export function getBCAuth(query: QueryParams) {
    return bigcommerce.authorize(query);
export function getBCVerify({ signed_payload_jwt }: QueryParams) {
    return bigcommerceSigned.verifyJWT(signed_payload_jwt);
  1. Add the setSession, getSession, and removeDataStore functions.
Export sessions auth.ts
export async function setSession(session: SessionProps) {
export async function getSession({ query: { context = '' } }: NextApiRequest) {
    if (typeof context !== 'string') return;
    const decodedContext = decodePayload(context)?.context;
    const accessToken = await db.getStoreToken(decodedContext);
    return { accessToken, storeHash: decodedContext };
export async function removeDataStore(res: NextApiResponse, session: SessionProps) {
    await db.deleteStore(session);
  1. Add the encodePayload and decodePayload functions. You can view auth.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab)
Export payload functions auth.ts
export function encodePayload({ ...session }: SessionProps) {
    const contextString = session?.context ?? session?.sub;
    const context = contextString.split('/')[1] || '';
    return jwt.sign({ context }, JWT_KEY, { expiresIn: '24h' });
export function decodePayload(encodedContext: string) {
    return jwt.verify(encodedContext, JWT_KEY);

Add a database

In this section of the tutorial, we provide config and initialization code for both Firebase and MySQL databases. Depending on the database you choose to integrate your app with, use the configuration instructions specific to your setup.

For Firebase configuration instructions, see Set up Firebase database.

For MySQL configuration instructions, see Set up MySQL database.

Set up Firebase database

Cloud Firestore (opens in a new tab) is a cloud-hosted NoSQL Firebase database built on Google's infrastructure. To learn more about Firebase, including how-to guides and code samples, see Firebase Documentation (opens in a new tab). For a quickstart on how to set up your Cloud Firestore, see Get started (opens in a new tab).

Create a Firebase project

  1. Sign in to Cloud Firestore (opens in a new tab) using your Google account. To create a Google account, visit the Google signup page (opens in a new tab).

  2. Once logged in, click Go to console in the top right corner.

  3. In the Firebase console, click Add project.

  4. Enter your project name and click Continue.

  5. Click Create project.

Create a Firebase config

  1. In your Firebase project console, click on the settings icon that resembles a gear in the top left corner.

  2. Select Project settings from the dropdown menu.

  3. Under the General tab, scroll down to Your apps and click on the code icon (</>) to select the web platform.

  4. Type in the name of your app and click Register app.

  5. Make a note of the Firebase apiKey, authDomain, and projectId. You will need that information to update the app's environment variables.

Create a Cloud Firestore database

  1. In your Firebase console, click Firestore Database under Build in the left pane. Follow the steps to create a Cloud Firestore database.

  2. Click Create database.

  3. Choose Start in test mode.

  4. Select your Cloud Firestore location and click Enable.

Update environment variables

  1. In the .env file, specify the database type.
Add environment variables Firebase
  1. Enter your Firebase database config keys.
Add environment variables Firebase

Restart after adding environment variables

In the development mode, every time you modify your environment variables, make sure to restart the development server to capture the changes, using npm run dev.

Configure the Firebase database

  1. In the lib folder, create a dbs folder.

  2. In the dbs folder, create a firebase.ts file.

  3. At the top of the file, import the Firebase packages and TypeScript definitions. You can view firebase.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).

Add imports firebase.ts
import { initializeApp } from 'firebase/app';
import { deleteDoc, doc, getDoc, getFirestore, setDoc, updateDoc } from 'firebase/firestore';
import { SessionProps, UserData } from '../../types';
  1. Add the Firebase config and initialization logic. You can view firebase.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab)
Add config firebase.ts
// Firebase config and initialization
// Prod applications might use config file
const { FIRE_API_KEY, FIRE_DOMAIN, FIRE_PROJECT_ID } = process.env;
const firebaseConfig = {
  apiKey: FIRE_API_KEY,
  authDomain: FIRE_DOMAIN,
  projectId: FIRE_PROJECT_ID,
const app = initializeApp(firebaseConfig);
const db = getFirestore(app);
// Firestore data management functions
export async function setUser({ user }: SessionProps) {
  if (!user) return null;
  const { email, id, username } = user;
  const ref = doc(db, 'users', String(id));
  const data: UserData = { email };
  if (username) {
    data.username = username;
  await setDoc(ref, data, { merge: true });
export async function setStore(session: SessionProps) {
  const {
    access_token: accessToken,
    user: { id },
  } = session;
  // Only set on app install or update
  if (!accessToken || !scope) return null;
  const storeHash = context?.split('/')[1] || '';
  const ref = doc(db, 'store', storeHash);
  const data = { accessToken, adminId: id, scope };
  await setDoc(ref, data);
export async function getStoreToken(storeHash: string) {
    if (!storeHash) return null;
    const storeDoc = await getDoc(doc(db, 'store', storeHash));
    return ?? null;
export async function deleteStore({ store_hash: storeHash }: SessionProps) {
    const ref = doc(db, 'store', storeHash);
    await deleteDoc(ref);
  1. Running firebase.initializeApp() will initialize the app. For initialized apps, call to retrieve the Firebase app instance.

Set up MySQL database

MySQL (opens in a new tab) is a relational database management system. For instructions on how to set up and use MySQL, see Getting Started with MySQL (opens in a new tab). Once you complete the database setup, make a note of the MySQL host, domain, username, password, and port variables. You will need them to update the app's environment variables in the next step.

Update environment variables

  1. In the .env file, specify the database type.
  1. Enter your MySQL database config keys.
Add .env MySQL
MYSQL_HOST={mysql host}
MYSQL_DATABASE={mysql domain}
MYSQL_USERNAME={mysql username}
MYSQL_PASSWORD={mysql password}
MYSQL_PORT={mysql port}

Restart dev server when .env changes

In the development mode, every time you modify your environment variables, make sure to restart the development server to capture the changes, using npm run dev.

Configure MySQL

  1. In the dbs folder, create a mysql.ts file.

  2. At the top of the file, add the following imports:

Add imports mysql.ts
import * as mysql from 'mysql2';
import { promisify } from 'util';
import { SessionProps, StoreData } from '../../types';
  1. Add the MySQL config and initialization logic. You can view mysql.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Add config mysql.ts
const MYSQL_CONFIG = {
    host: process.env.MYSQL_HOST,
    database: process.env.MYSQL_DATABASE,
    user: process.env.MYSQL_USERNAME,
    password: process.env.MYSQL_PASSWORD,
    ...(process.env.MYSQL_PORT && { port: process.env.MYSQL_PORT }),
// For use with Heroku ClearDB
// Other mysql:
const pool = mysql.createPool(process.env.CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL ? process.env.CLEARDB_DATABASE_URL : MYSQL_CONFIG);
const query = promisify(pool.query.bind(pool));
export async function setUser({ user }: SessionProps) {
    if (!user) return null;
    const { email, id, username } = user;
    const userData = { email, userId: id, username };
    await query('REPLACE INTO users SET ?', userData);
export async function setStore(session: SessionProps) {
    const { access_token: accessToken, context, scope } = session;
    // Only set on app install or update
    if (!accessToken || !scope) return null;
    const storeHash = context?.split('/')[1] || '';
    const storeData: StoreData = { accessToken, scope, storeHash };
    await query('REPLACE INTO stores SET ?', storeData);
export async function getStoreToken(storeHash: string) {
    if (!storeHash) return null;
    const results = await query('SELECT accessToken from stores limit 1');
    return results.length ? results[0].accessToken : null;
export async function deleteStore({ store_hash: storeHash }: SessionProps) {
    await query('DELETE FROM stores WHERE storeHash = ?', storeHash);

Set up a db lib page

  1. In the lib folder, create a db.ts file.

  2. Open the db.ts file and add the following imports at the top of the file.

Add imports db.ts
import * as firebaseDB from './dbs/firebase';
import * as sqlDB from './dbs/mysql';
import { Db } from '../types';
  1. Add the switch expression to determine which database code to execute. You can view db.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Add config db.ts
const { DB_TYPE } = process.env;
let db: Db;
switch (DB_TYPE) {
    case 'firebase':
        db = firebaseDB;
    case 'mysql':
        db = sqlDB;
        db = firebaseDB;
export default db;

Run the initial database migration

If you're using MySQL, set up the initial tables by navigating to the root directory of your project and running the following script:

Initial database migration
npm run db:setup

Upgrade the endpoints

Auth endpoint

  1. Open the auth.ts file nested inside the pages/api folder.

    1. Import encodePayload, getBCVerify, and setSession from /lib/auth. Your imports should now look like this:
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { encodePayload, getBCAuth, setSession } from '../../lib/auth';
  1. Update the logic to authenticate the app on install. You can view auth.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Add config auth.ts
export default async function auth(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
    try {
        // Authenticate the app on install
        const session = await getBCAuth(req.query);
        const encodedContext = encodePayload(session); // Signed JWT to validate/ prevent tampering
        await setSession(session);
        res.redirect(302, `/?context=${encodedContext}`);
    } catch (error) {
        const { message, response } = error;
        res.status(response?.status || 500).json({ message });

Load endpoint

  1. Open the load.ts file nested inside the pages/api folder.

  2. Import encodePayload, getBCVerify, and setSession from /lib/auth. Your imports should now look like this:

Add imports load.ts
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { encodePayload, getBCVerify, setSession } from '../../lib/auth';
  1. Update the logic to authenticate the app on load. You can view load.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Add config load.ts
export default async function load(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
    try {
        // Verify when app loaded (launch)
        const session = await getBCVerify(req.query);
        const encodedContext = encodePayload(session); // Signed JWT to validate/ prevent tampering
        await setSession(session);
        res.redirect(302, `/?context=${encodedContext}`);
    } catch (error) {
        const { message, response } = error;
        res.status(response?.status || 500).json({ message });

Uninstall endpoint

  1. Open the uninstall.ts file nested inside the pages/api folder.

  2. Import getBCVerify and removeSession from /lib/auth. Your imports should now look like this:

Add imports uninstall.ts
import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { getBCVerify, removeSession } from '../../lib/auth';
  1. Update the logic to delete the session at time of uninstall. You can view uninstall.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Add config uninstall.ts
export default async function uninstall(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
    try {
        const session = await getBCVerify(req.query);
        await removeSession(res, session);
    } catch (error) {
        const { message, response } = error;
        res.status(response?.status || 500).json(message);

Add the Products endpoint

The Products endpoint retrieves your products summary from the Catalog API.

  1. In the pages/api folder, create a new folder called products.

  2. In the products folder, create an index.ts file. This will create a /products route.

  3. At the top of the file, import the following packages:

import { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from 'next';
import { bigcommerceClient, getSession } from '../../../lib/auth';
  1. Add the async products function, which awaits the data returned from bigcommerce.get. You can view index.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab). The products function calls the getSession function to retrieve the session's access token and store hash.
Add products function index.ts
export default async function products(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) {
    try {
        // First, retrieve the session by calling:
        const { accessToken, storeHash } = await getSession(req);
        // Then, connect the Node API client (to make API calls to BigCommerce)
        const bigcommerce = bigcommerceClient(accessToken, storeHash);
        // For this example, we'll be connecting to the Catalog API
        const { data } = await bigcommerce.get('/catalog/summary');
        // Finally, handle errors
    } catch (error) {
        const { message, response } = error;
        res.status(response?.status || 500).json({ message });

Create a custom hook

To consume the Products endpoint, create a custom React hook using SWR (opens in a new tab).

  1. In the lib folder, create a hooks.ts file.

  2. At the top of the file, import the useSWR React hook from SWR and useSession from Context.

Add imports hooks.ts
import useSWR from 'swr';
import { useSession } from '../context/session';
  1. Declare the fetcher function.
Declare fetcher hooks.ts
function fetcher(url: string, encodedContext: string) {
    return fetch(`${url}?context=${encodedContext}`).then(res => res.json());

The fetcher function accepts the API URL and returns data asynchronously.

  1. Export the useProducts function. You can view hooks.ts (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Export useProducts hooks.ts
// Reusable SWR hooks
export function useProducts() {
    const encodedContext = useSession()?.context;
    // Request is deduped and cached; Can be shared across components
    const { data, error } = useSWR(encodedContext ? ['/api/products', encodedContext] : null, fetcher);
    return {
        summary: data,
        isError: error,

useSWR accepts two arguments: the API URL and the fetcher function. The fetcher function takes the /api/products URL passed in from the useProduct function. The useProducts function destructures the data returned by the useSWR hook.

Create a header component

  1. In the app's root directory, create a components folder.

  2. In the components folder, create a header.tsx file.

  3. Import Box and Link components from BigDesign.

Add imports header.tsx
import { Box, Link } from '@bigcommerce/big-design';
  1. Define the Header functional component. You can view header.tsx (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Functional component header.tsx
const Header = () => (
    <Box marginBottom="xxLarge">
        <Link href="#">Home</Link>
export default Header;

Update the homepage

  1. In the pages folder, open the index.tsx file.

  2. At the top of the file, replace the existing import with the following:

Add imports index.tsx
import { Box, Flex, Panel, Text } from '@bigcommerce/big-design';
import { useProducts } from '../lib/hooks';
  1. Update the Index functional component. You can view index.tsx (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Functional component index.tsx
const Index = () => {
    const { summary } = useProducts();
    return (
        <Panel header="Homepage">
            {summary &&
                    <Box marginRight="xLarge">
                        <Text>Inventory Count</Text>
                    <Box marginRight="xLarge">
                        <Text>Variant Count</Text>
                        <Text>Primary Category</Text>
export default Index;

summary creates the Flex component with three Box components inside of it. inventory_count, variant_count, and primary_category_name are populated with data returned from calling the /catalog/summary endpoint added in Add the Products endpoint.

For the complete list of properties returned by the /catalog/summary endpoint, see Get a Catalog Summary.

Update the user interface

  1. In the root of the pages folder, open the _app.tsx file.

  2. Import the Box and Header components.

import { Box, GlobalStyles } from '@bigcommerce/big-design';
import Header from '../components/header';
  1. Import SessionProvider from Context.
import SessionProvider from '../context/session';

Your updated import statements should resemble the following:

import { Box, GlobalStyles } from '@bigcommerce/big-design';
import type { AppProps } from 'next/app';
import Header from '../components/header';
import SessionProvider from '../context/session';
  1. For Context to properly propagate, we need to wrap <Component {...pageProps} /> with the Context SessionProvider. This ensures that each page has access to the React Context.
SessionProvider _app.tsx
  <Component {...pageProps} />
  1. Add a Box component and place the Header and SessionProvider components inside it. You can view _app.tsx (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).
Add Box _app.tsx
const MyApp = ({ Component, pageProps }: AppProps) => (
        <GlobalStyles />
        <Box marginHorizontal="xxxLarge" marginVertical="xxLarge">
            <Header />
                <Component {...pageProps} />
export default MyApp;
  1. In the root of the pages folder, open index.tsx.

  2. Import the Header component. You can view index.tsx (GitHub) (opens in a new tab).

Add imports index.tsx
import Header from '../components/header';

Test your app

Now that you have synced up the database, your app should display information under Inventory Count, Variant Count, and Primary Category fields.

Sample app

Next: Enhance the User Experience with BigDesign

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