Buy online, pick up in store



An acronym, commonly used in North America, that stands for Buy Online, Pick up in Store.

Click & Collect

Another term for Buy Online, Pick up in Store.


Consignment refers to a list of line items and information about how those items should be fulfilled, as captured during the checkout or order creation process. This includes the transit path they take to move from their stock location into the shopper’s possession.

In practice, a consignment is a collection of store catalog item identifiers and their quantities, along with fulfillment information. There are two main fulfillment types: shipping and pickup. The consignment provides details required to complete the selected type of fulfillment, such as a pickup location ID, or a shipping destination address with a shipping origin location ID.

A consignment captures the shopper’s wishes about how they’d like to receive their order. A consignment does not necessarily represent how the merchant actually chooses to fulfill the shopper’s order.


Location is a concept that allows merchants to track product inventory across multiple physical or virtual locations. Locations also allow merchants to manage their store and warehouse physical addresses in a single source of truth, which can be used by tools such as store locator widgets or app integrations that are concerned with locations where a store’s business is conducted.


Pickup is a concept analogous to shipment. It allows merchants to track and record order consignments that are fulfilled when someone travels to a store location to take possession of the order items.

Pickup method

Pickup method is a concept analogous to shipping method. It allows merchants to customize the pickup options that display at checkout with an additional description and display text, beyond the basic address details defined by the associated location. Pickup methods allow merchants to set up multiple different pickup options for a single location, such as offering both in-store pickup and curbside pickup.


Routing refers to the process of determining which inventory locations to use as fulfillment sources for line items within a cart, checkout, and order.

At launch, the Buy Online, Pick up in Store feature does not manage routing; however, an implementation might use the Inventory and Locations APIs to externally impose consistent routing logic.

Safety Stock

The quantity of product that is stored to prevent the inadvertent sale of an out-of-stock item. It serves as insurance against sudden or rapid fluctuations in demand.

Safety stock quantity is not included in the available to sell quantity that may be displayed to customers on the storefront.

Warning Level

Warning level is the same as the inventory_warning_level attribute in the Catalog API.

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