Buy online, pick up in store
Integration guide

Reading and Updating Order Fulfillment Info

You can manage inventory at multiple locations and offer Buy Online, Pick up in Store functionality for shoppers.

In Buy Online, Pick up in Store solutions, Orders use Consignments, which represent collections of line items and a fulfillment method. The fulfillment method can be one of shipping, pickup, or digital in the case of digital products.

You can integrate your existing backend with BigCommerce's Buy Online, Pick up in Store offering using our new and updated APIs.

You may also continue to use the current API in a backwards compatible way without using Buy Online, Pick up in Store features.

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Use the updated Orders V2 API to query or update fulfillment information on orders. This will maintain consistent inventory levels across your defined locations.

Use the Locations API to query detailed inventory levels and address information from a store's locations.

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