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Third-party widgets

Third-Party Widgets

A third-party widget is a configurable, reusable component created and maintained by developers outside of BigCommerce. You can use third-party widgets to display custom content in a Stencil storefront.

This article outlines the three main steps involved in using third-party widgets with Page Builder.

Creating third-party widgets

Widgets are injected into the storefront using the Widgets API. You can apply widgets and widget templates in a merchant’s store using one of the following methods:

  • OAuth token
  • App Marketplace

OAuth token

To use this method, you will need to obtain API credentials with OAuth content scope set to modify. For information about making requests against BigCommerce’s REST APIs, see Authenticating BigCommerce’s REST APIs. After obtaining the token, you can inject, list, and remove widgets on any page of the store. To learn how to complete these actions, see Widgets Tutorial.

App Marketplace

The App Marketplace (opens in a new tab) is an area inside the control panel where merchants can browse for apps available for installation on their BigCommerce store.

To create a widget using the App Marketplace, you will need to create a marketplace application that injects new widgets into the storefront using the Widgets API.

Content created by an application's widget will remain in the store even if the application gets uninstalled.

Modifying BigCommerce widgets

You can extend a BigCommerce-provided widget by modifying the existing API parameters in the widget template. The API parameters for a widget template are as follows:

nameThe name of the widget.
templateThe skeleton UI of the widget rendered as Handlebars HTML.
schemaThe JSON schema of data for the widget template. The schema represents the customizable options available in the sidebar of Page Builder.

Configuring settings for a widget

To modify a BigCommerce-provided widget, re-configure the existing settings in the widget template’s schema property when creating a widget template via the API. The settings you define in this property will be exposed in the Page Builder UI, providing merchants the ability to modify how the widget appears on their storefront.

You can change widget's customization options by modifying the template's schema. Once you have modified the schema, place the modified JSON object in the request body as the schema value, and make a POST request for the Widget Template to expose the new customization options on Page Builder.

Exposing third-party widget templates

To expose a third-party widget template in Page Builder, make a POST request for the Widget Template. Include the widget's name, template, and schema in the body of your request. The schema value should be the modified JSON object with customizable settings you want to incorporate for the widget.

If you successfully create the widget template, you should see the widget with its customizable options reflected in Page Builder, under the Custom section.

You do not need to make a POST request for the Widget or Widget Placement to reflect the new widget in Page Builder.


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