Customizing template JavaScript

Customizing JavaScript

Most Cornerstone theme (opens in a new tab) page template files located in templates/pages/ have a corresponding .js file in assets/js/theme/. These JavaScript files contain event handlers and logic for managing page specific elements and actions.

For example, assets/js/theme/product.js corresponds to templates/pages/product.html and contains a productReviewHandler() and bulkPricingHandler(). These functions are implemented within a derived Product class which extends an abstract class called PageManager. This same pattern is repeated in all assets/js/theme/*.js files.

By default, all derived PageManager classes contain an onReady method functionally similar to JQuery.ready(). Additionally, certain pages have unique event handlers. For example, the cartUpdate handler in assets/js/cart.js runs each time certain cart elements are changed. Developers can customize and enhance page behavior and functionality by editing code within these event handlers or by creating their own event handlers.

To demonstrate, this article describes how to add some very simple JavaScript to product.js.

Modifying a page's JavaScript

In this example, we will add some "Hello World!" text to the product page's onReady event. We'll first add a call to the function. Then, we will implement the function itself.

In assets/js/theme/product.js file, add a call to this.helloWorld() to the bottom of the onReady() method, which we'll implement in the next step.

export default class Product extends PageManager {
    constructor(context) {
        this.url = window.location.href;
        this.$reviewLink = $('[data-reveal-id="modal-review-form"]');
        this.$bulkPricingLink = $('[data-reveal-id="modal-bulk-pricing"]');
    onReady() {
      // ...
      // Example Code
    // ...

Next, implement the helloWorld() function by adding it to the Product class just after the closing onReady() bracket.

export default class Product extends PageManager {
    constructor(context) {
        this.url = window.location.href;
        this.$reviewLink = $('[data-reveal-id="modal-review-form"]');
        this.$bulkPricingLink = $('[data-reveal-id="modal-bulk-pricing"]');
    onReady() {
      // ...
      // Example Code
    // Example Code
    helloWorld() {
        console.log("[assets/js/theme/product.js]: Hello World!");
    // ...

In your browser, refresh any product details pop-up or page to see your new "Hello World" message. If you are using the Stencil CLI and browsing to localhost, you may need to restart for the most recent changes to be reflected.

Bringing in Handlebars context

You can inject any variables from the Handlebars context into your client-side JavaScript by using the {{inject...}} expression.

{{inject 'productThumbSize' theme_settings.productthumb_size}}

To inject theme_settings.productthumb_size into the product page's context, add {{inject 'productThumbSize' theme_settings.productthumb_size}} just under {{#partial "page"}} in templates/pages/product.html<:

        limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_videos_count}}
        limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_reviews_count}}
        limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_related_products_count}}
        limit: {{theme_settings.productpage_similar_by_views_count}}
{{#partial "page"}}
    <!-- Context Injection Example: -->
    {{inject 'productThumbSize' theme_settings.productthumb_size}}
    <!-- End Context Injection Example -->
    <!-- ... -->
{{> layout/base}}

The injected productThumbSize property can then be accessed from product.js by calling this.context.productThumbSize.

export default class Product extends PageManager {
    constructor(context) {
        this.url = window.location.href;
        this.$reviewLink = $('[data-reveal-id="modal-review-form"]');
        this.$bulkPricingLink = $('[data-reveal-id="modal-bulk-pricing"]');
    onReady() {
        // Example Code
    // Example Code
    helloWorld() {
      console.log("[assets/js/theme/product.js]: Hello World!");
      console.log("[assets/js/theme/product.js]: " + this.context.productThumbSize);
    // ...

Note that the console.log(this.context.themeImageSizes); statement will report the configured image size, following the "Hello World!" message previously defined in Modifying a Page's JavaScript above.

[/assets/js/theme/product.js]: Hello World!
product.js:63 [/assets/js/theme/product.js]: 100x100

Installing libraries

Once you have installed the default Stencil theme, you can add custom JavaScript libraries with npm.

npm install jquery

Next, you would open assets/js/theme/product.js, and insert the statements excerpted below:

import $ from 'jquery';
$('.myElement').click(() => {
    alert("You clicked myElement");

For additional installation instructions, refer to your chosen library's documentation.

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