Handlebars Helpers Reference
This article is a reference for Stencil supported Handlebars (opens in a new tab) helpers. It includes custom helpers documentation and a list of acceptlisted standard helpers.
Custom helpers
The following table contains BigCommerce's open source Handlebars helpers (opens in a new tab).
Helper | Category | Description |
limit | array | Limits array to second argument. |
pluck | array | Uses search key to get values from collections. |
cdn | assets | A URL transformer for content delivery networks. |
earlyHint | assets | Reduces page load time and perceived latency. |
money | currency | Formats number length, thousands delimiter, and decimal delimiter. |
moment | date | Use momentjs (opens in a new tab) to format and calculate dates. |
getFontLoaderConfig | fonts | Returns font-loader config as a JSON string. |
getFontsCollection | fonts | Returns <link> elements for configured fonts. |
encodeHtmlEntities | html | Encodes HTML entities. |
nl2br | html | Converts newline characters to <br> tags. |
pre | html | Renders preformatted text. |
resourceHints | html | Pre-fetches Google fonts. |
stylesheet | html | Renders a <link> tag for inserting a stylesheet. |
lang | i18n | Maps keys to translation files. |
langJson | i18n | Returns language translation keys as a JSON string. |
getContentImage | images | Returns sized image URL from store's /content directory. |
getContentImageSrcset | images | Returns source set of URLs for images in /content . |
getImage | images | Returns image URL for specified size. |
getImageManagerImage | images | Returns sized image URL for images in /product_images/uploaded_images . |
getImageManagerImageSrcset | images | Returns image srcset for images in /product_images/uploaded_images . |
getImageSrcset | images | Returns single image URL or list of URLs for different sizes. |
getImageSrcset1x2x | images | Returns single image URL or list of URLs for different sizes. The 1x and 2x designations indicate the ratio of device pixels to the intended image CSS pixels. |
any | logic | Renders block if any params are true. |
all | logic | Renders block if all params are true. |
compare | logic | Compares values with JavaScript operators, including typeof . |
contains | logic | Renders block if first param is in second param. |
for | logic | Iterates for range a to b , inclusive of b . |
if | logic | Renders block if statement is true. |
or | logic | Renders block if one or more parameters evaluate to true. |
unless | logic | Renders block if a statement evaluates to false. |
option | misc | Returns the given value of prop from this.options . |
get | object | Use property paths (a.b.c ) to get a value or nested value from the context. |
getObject | object | Use property paths (a.b.c ) to get an object from the context. |
concat | string | Concatenates two strings. |
multiConcat | string | Concatenates multiple strings. |
join | string | Joins an array of string elements into one string. |
json | string | Converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string. |
occurrences | string | Returns the number of occurrences of substring within the given string. |
replace | string | Replaces all instances of the first parameter in the second parameter. |
setURLQueryParam | string | Appends keys values to a URL. |
stripQuerystring | string | Removes a query string. |
strReplace | string | Replaces some or all occurrences of a target substring within a subject string. |
toLowerCase | string | Converts a string to lowercase. |
truncate | string | Truncates a string. |
block | template | Defines a content block. |
dynamicComponent | template | Inserts a dynamic partial in the specified path. |
inject | template | Injects key values into {{jsContext}} . |
jsContext | template | Returns JSON for all data injected by {{inject}} . |
partial | template | Overrides content defined by {{block}} . |
region | template | Specifies a widget region. |
assignVar | variables | Saves value to a variable. |
getVar | variables | Returns a variable value. |
decrementVar | variables | Decrements a variable by 1. |
incrementVar | variables | Increments a variable by 1. |
{{limit data limit}}
Limits the number of items returned from an array; returns a new array.
(Array): Collection.limit
(Number): Index specifying the number of items to exclude.
Assume that {{cart.items}}
returns 10 items. You can use this helper to limit that behavior to only the first four items.
<!-- context = {var: 'This is longer than the chosen limit'} -->
{{limit var 10}}
<!-- => This is lo -->
<!-- context = {var: 'This is longer than the chosen limit'} -->
{{limit var 10}}
<!-- results in: 'This is lo' -->
{{#each (limit cart.items 4)}}
<li class="previewCartItem">
<div class="previewCartItem-image">
{{#if type '==' 'GiftCertificate'}}
<img src="{{cdn ../../theme_settings.default_image_gift_certificate}}" alt="GiftCertificate" title="GiftCertificate">
{{> components/common/responsive-img
{{pluck limit collection path}}
Retrieves corresponding values from some or all elements in a collection using specified search key(s). Returns retrieved values in a comma-separated string. When used in conjunction with the built-in {{each}}
helper, returns retrieved values in an array.
: Optional parameters to limit the number of results returned.collection
(Object|Array): Collection.path
(String): The string to search for.
{{pluck ([limit] <collection> [<limit-value>]) '<path>'}}
If each category in categories
contains an image object, use dot notation to access the image's children:
categories: [
{ "id": 1, "name": "Bakeware", "image": { "data": "http://...", "alt": "Bakeware image"} },
{ "id": 2, "name": "Cookware", "image": { "data": "http://...", "alt": "Cookware image"} },
{ "id": 3, "name": "Cutlery", "image": { "data": "http://...", "alt": "Cutlery image"} }
{{pluck (limit categories 2) 'image.data'}}
<!-- Returns a comma-separated list of image URLs. -->
users: [
{ "user": "barney", "age": 36, "image": { "url": "barney.jpg" } },
{ "user": "fred", "age": 40, "image": { "url": "fred.jpg" } }
{{pluck users "age"}}
<!-- => 36,40 -->
{{pluck users "image.url"}}'
<!-- => barney.jpg,fred.jpg -->
Standard pluck helper example:
// {{pluck items "data.title"}}
results in: '["aa", "bb", "cc"]'
{{cdn assetPath}}
A URL transformer for content delivery networks.
(String): Path to the file containing static assets.
{{cdn "assets/img/image.jpg"}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/stencil/123/img/image.jpg -->
To reference static assets staged locally outside your <theme-name>
directory and uploaded using WebDAV, place the webdav:
prefix before each corresponding assetPath
parameter. For example, the following link:
<img src="{{cdn 'webdav:img/image.jpg'}}">
will be transformed to a result like this:
<img src="https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/content/img/image.jpg">
In this example, the image.jpg
file was uploaded to the WebDAV /content/
directory making /content
the WebDAV root directory. Because our presumed local directory is assets/
, we can omit that path when referencing its contained files or subdirectories.
CDN custom endpoints
You can define custom CDN endpoints to use with the {{cdn}}
helper. By doing so you can include large, high-resolution image assets in themes without exceeding BigCommerce's 50 MB limit when bundling the theme for upload to BigCommerce.
You can also use a local version of the image in development and a remote version on a CDN such as Imgix in production. To do so, define custom CDN endpoints in your theme's config.json
file (opens in a new tab).
For example:
"name": "Cornerstone",
"version": "1.3.5",
"settings": {
"homepage_new_products_count": 12,
"homepage_featured_products_count": 8,
"cdn": {
"customcdn": "https://bigcommerce.customcdn.net"
After defining the endpoint, you can use the short name in the same way as you use a webdav:
<img src="{{cdn 'customcdn:img/image.jpg'}}" />
In local development, the helper returns the following:
<img src="/assets/cdn/customcdn/img/image.jpg"/>
In production environment, the helper returns the following:
<img src="https://bigcommerce.customcdn.net/img/image.jpg" />
As highlighted above, the helper is configured to rewrite local URLs to an assets/cdn/
subfolder. The stencil bundle
command will exclude this local assets/cdn/
subfolder from the bundle that it creates. This filtering circumvents the 50 MB size limit on the resulting ZIP file.
Early Hint and cdn
Early Hints reduce page load time and perceived latency by allowing browsers to download critical assets earlier in the request lifecycle. For more information, see Early Hint.
- (String)- Corresponds to the
attribute in<link>
. - Value can be any of
. - For more information, see rel (opens in a new tab) on MDN Web Docs.
- Corresponds to the
- (String)-
Corresponds to the
attribute in<link>
. -
Value can be any of
. -
If an invalid value is provided,
won't be included. -
This parameter is optional.
For more information, see as (opens in a new tab) on MDN Web Docs.
- (String)-
Value can be any of
. -
Defaults to
when no value is provided. -
This parameter is optional.
For more information, see crossorigin (opens in a new tab) on MDN Web Docs.
The following script is an example of Early Hints usage in the Cornerstone theme:
<script async src="{{cdn 'assets/dist/theme-bundle.head_async.js' resourceHint='preload' as='script'}}"></script>
You can view more Early Hints usage in Cornerstone's templates/layout/base.html
file by visiting the Cornerstone Repository (opens in a new tab).
{{ earlyHint '{path}' '{rel}' [as='{script|style|font}'] [crossorigin='{no|anonymous|use-credentials}'] }}
Retrieves the provided URL and produces an early hint to communicate important web page resources. The server indicates which site assets (such as CSS files, JS scripts, and fonts) a browser needs to render a page fully. When used in conjunction with the {{cdn}}
helper, load times can improve by 30%.
(String): The URL that hosts the resource being hinted. -
(String): Valid arguments arepreload
, anddns-prefetch
. -
(String): Optional. Valid arguments arescript
. -
(String): Optional. Valid arguments areno
, anduse-credentials
{{earlyHint 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1.6.26/webfont.js' 'preload' as='script' crossorigin='anonymous'}}
This example produces an early hint in a Link
header that looks like:
<https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/webfont/1.6.26/webfont.js>; rel=preload; as=script; crossorigin=anonymous
The following example uses the getFontsCollection
and stylesheet
helpers. These helpers produce early hints by default, without using the earlyHint
helper directly.
<script async src="{{cdn 'assets/dist/theme-bundle.head_async.js' resourceHint='preload' as='script'}}"></script>
{{getFontsCollection font-display='block'}}
<script async src="{{cdn 'assets/dist/theme-bundle.font.js' resourceHint='preload' as='script'}}"></script>
{{{stylesheet '/assets/css/theme.css'}}}
The output displays in a Link
header that looks like:
Link: <https://cdn.staging.zone/s-cq2iowdr0q/stencil/94e324f0-d179-013b-2a85-0ac13303cc0f/dist/theme-bundle.head_async.js>; rel=preload; as=script; crossorigin=anonymous,
<https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Montserrat:700,500,400%7CKarla:400&display=block>; rel=preload; as=style, <https://cdn.staging.zone/s-cq2iowdr0q/stencil/94e324f0-d179-013b-2a85-0ac13303cc0f/dist/theme-bundle.font.js>; rel=preload; as=script
<https://cdn.staging.zone/s-cq2iowdr0q/stencil/94e324f0-d179-013b-2a85-0ac13303cc0f/css/theme-6bec0d40-d17a-013b-e9d8-02ea0e5c37ab.css>; rel=preload; as=style
{{moment date format}}
Use momentjs (opens in a new tab) to format and calculate dates.
{{moment "5 hours ago" "MM/DD/YYYY HH:mm"}}
<!-- example calculation -->
If you encounter an issue with the last day of the month, use one of the following fixes:
{{moment date format datejs=false}}
<!-- To disable date.js -->
{{moment "January 1, 2022" format="YYYY-MM-DD"}}
<!-- To call moment.js functions -->
{{money value n s c}}
Formats number length, thousands delimiter, and decimal delimiter.
(Number): The number to format.n
(Integer): Length of decimal.s
(Mixed): Thousands delimiter.c
(Mixed): Decimal delimiter.
{{money 1000 2 ',' '.'}}
{{getFontLoaderConfig fontConfig}}
Returns font-loader config as a JSON string.
(String): Font config in theGoogle_FontName_Weight
{{getFontLoaderConfig 'Google_Karla_700'}}
<!-- => Karla:700 -->
Returns <link>
elements for configured fonts.
<!-- => <link href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Open+Sans:,400italic,700|Karla:700|Lora:400|Volkron:|Droid:400,700|Crimson+Text:400,700&display=swap" rel="stylesheet"> -->
{{encodeHtmlEntities string args}}
Returns a string with HTML entities encoded. You may optionally pass additional encoding arguments.
(String): String to encode with HTML entities.args
(Boolean): Acceptlist of allowed named arguments. Allowed arguments:useNamedReferences
. Specifyarg='true'
to use. For example,decimal='true'
{{encodeHtmlEntities 'foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux'}}
<!-- => foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux -->
{{encodeHtmlEntities 'an ampersand: &'}}
<!-- => an ampersand: & -->
{{encodeHtmlEntities "foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux" useNamedReferences="true"}}
<!-- Returns a string with HTML entities encoded with named references. -->
<!-- => foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux -->
{{encodeHtmlEntities "foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux" decimal="true"}}
<!-- Returns a string with HTML entities encoded with decimal option. -->
<!-- => foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux -->
{{encodeHtmlEntities "foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux" encodeEverything="true"}}
<!-- Returns a string with HTML entities encoded with encodeEverything option. -->
<!-- => foo © bar ≠ baz 𝌆 qux -->
{{encodeHtmlEntities "foo © and & ampersand" allowUnsafeSymbols="true"}}
<!-- Returns a string with HTML entities encoded with allowUnsafeSymbols option. -->
<!-- => foo © and & ampersand -->
{{nl2br text}}
Converts newline characters to <br>
(String): Text to convert.
{{nl2br settings.address}}
<!-- => <br>685 Market St<br>San Francisco<br>94105<br>CA<br> -->
{{pre value}}
Renders preformatted text. This helper will escape text.
(String): Text to format.
<!-- context = {var: {}} -->
{{pre var}}
<!-- => <pre>{}</pre> -->
<!-- context = {var: "<div>&\"500\"</div>"} -->
{{pre var}}
<!-- => <pre>"<div>&\\"500\\"</div>"</pre> -->
Pre-fetches Google fonts. Outputs a formatted <link>
tag for DNS-prefetch.
<!-- => <link rel="dns-prefetch preconnect" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com" crossorigin><link rel="dns-prefetch preconnect" href="https://fonts.gstatic.com" crossorigin> -->
{{stylesheet assetPath}}
Renders a link tag to insert a stylesheet into a theme; returns an HTML string. (This is required if you want Theme Editor to rewrite the stylesheet file when a merchant customizes their theme.)
(String): Filepath to the theme's CSS stylesheet file.options
: You can append optional parameters as key/value pairs.
{{stylesheet "assets/css/style.scss" class="myStylesheet"}}
{{lang translationKey}}
Maps keys to translation files based on the locale indicated by the visitor’s browser.
: You can append optional parameters as key/value pairs.
<label class="form-label" for="search_query_adv">
{{lang 'forms.search.query' }}
<small>{{lang 'common.required' }}</small>
<!-- context = {name: 'BigCommerce'} -->
{{lang 'powered_by' name=name}}
<!-- => Powered By BigCommerce -->
{{langJson keyFilter}}
Returns language translation keys as a JSON string.
(String): The language translation keys to render for the storefront locale/language.
{{langJson 'validation_messages'}}
<!-- This will load validation messages in JSON format for the storefront locale/language. -->
{{getContentImage path width height}}
Returns a URL for an image uploaded to /dav/content/
. To learn more about uploading files to your store's server, see WebDAV (opens in a new tab).
(String): Image path relative to/dav/content/
(Integer): Width in pixels.height
(Integer): Height in pixels.
<!-- Original image URL returned if no size or invalid size is passed in -->
{{getContentImage "asset.jpg"}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/original/content/asset.jpg -->
{{getContentImage "asset.jpg" width="a" height="a"}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/original/content/asset.jpg -->
<!-- Sized image URL returned if valid height and/or width passed in -->
{{getContentImage "asset.jpg" width=123 height=321}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/123x321/content/asset.jpg -->
{{getContentImage "asset.jpg" width=123}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/123w/content/folder/asset.jpg -->
{{getContentImageSrcset path}}
Returns a srcset
for an image uploaded to /dav/content/
(String): Image path relative to/dav/content/
{{getContentImageSrcset "asset.jpg"}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/80w/content/asset.jpg 80w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/160w/content/asset.jpg 160w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/320w/content/asset.jpg 320w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/640w/content/asset.jpg 640w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/960w/content/asset.jpg 960w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/1280w/content/asset.jpg 1280w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/1920w/content/asset.jpg 1920w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/2560w/content/asset.jpg 2560w -->
{{getContentImageSrcset "folder/asset.jpg" width=123}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/80w/content/folder/asset.jpg 80w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/160w/content/folder/asset.jpg 160w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/320w/content/folder/asset.jpg 320w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/640w/content/folder/asset.jpg 640w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/960w/content/folder/asset.jpg 960w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/1280w/content/folder/asset.jpg 1280w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/1920w/content/folder/asset.jpg 1920w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/2560w/content/folder/asset.jpg 2560w -->
{{getImage stencilImage size}}
Returns <img>
tag src
value for images of a specified size. Values for the size parameter are defined in the settings
array in config.json
(opens in a new tab).
(String): A Stencil image.size
(String): A key in thetheme_settings
(String): Optional default image URL to use if thestencilImage
is undefined.
{{getImage image "logo"}}
{{getImageManagerImage path width height}}
Returns an Image Manager (opens in a new tab) image URL for an image uploaded to /dav/product_images/uploaded_images
. To learn more about uploading files to your store's server, see WebDAV (opens in a new tab).
(String): Image path relative to/dav/product_images/uploaded_images
(Integer): Width in pixels.height
(Integer): Height in pixels.
<!-- Original image URL returned if no size or invalid size is passed in -->
{{getImageManagerImage "asset.jpg"}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/original/image-manager/asset.jpg -->
<!-- height must be accompanied by width -->
{{getImageManagerImage "folder/asset.jpg" height=123}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/original/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg -->
<!-- Sized image URL returned if valid height and/or width passed in -->
{{getImageManagerImage "asset.jpg" width=123}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/123w/image-manager/asset.jpg -->
{{getImageManagerImage "folder/asset.jpg" width=123 height=321}}
<!-- => https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/123x321/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg -->
{{getImageManagerImageSrcset path}}
Returns an Image Manager (opens in a new tab) image srcset
for an image uploaded to /dav/product_images/uploaded_images
. To return an image with a specified image width and height size, we recommend using the getImageManagerImage
(String): Image path relative to/dav/product_images/uploaded_images
{{getImageManagerImageSrcset "asset.jpg"}}
<!-- =>
https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/80w/image-manager/asset.jpg 80w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/160w/image-manager/asset.jpg 160w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/320w/image-manager/asset.jpg 320w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/640w/image-manager/asset.jpg 640w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/960w/image-manager/asset.jpg 960w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/1280w/image-manager/asset.jpg 1280w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/1920w/image-manager/asset.jpg 1920w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/2560w/image-manager/asset.jpg 2560w -->
{{getImageManagerImageSrcset "folder/asset.jpg"}}
<!-- =>
https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/80w/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg 80w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/160w/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg 160w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/320w/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg 320w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/640w/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg 640w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/960w/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg 960w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/1280w/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg 1280w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/1920w/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg 1920w, https://cdn.bcapp/3dsf74g/images/stencil/2560w/image-manager/folder/asset.jpg 2560w -->
{{getImageSrcset stencilImage size}}
The getImageSrcset
helper is a replacement for getImage
which allows you to generate either a single image URL (for an <img>
) or a list of image sizes for srcset
. Using the srcset (opens in a new tab) attribute, you can specify a list of image sizes for the browser to choose from based on the expected size of the image on the page, the device's pixel density, and other factors.
(String): A Stencil image.size
(String): A key in thetheme_settings
(String): Optional default image URL to use if thestencilImage
is undefined.
You can specify what sizes you want as named arguments on the helper.
Default sizes
By specifying use_default_sizes=true
on the helper, a srcset
string will be constructed with a set of sizes chosen by BigCommerce to be optimal for most uses.
{{getImageSrcset image use_default_sizes=true}}
{{getImageSrcset image "https://place-hold.it/500x300" use_default_sizes=true}}
Default sizes:
'80w': '80w',
'160w': '160w',
'320w': '320w',
'640w': '640w',
'960w': '960w',
'1280w': '1280w',
'1920w': '1920w',
'2560w': '2560w',
Single 1x size
{{getImageSrcset image 1x=theme_settings.zoom_size}}
{{getImageSrcset image 1x="1280x800"}}
{{getImageSrcset image 1x="1280w"}}
By specifying a single size as 1x
, you can choose any image resolution. You can reference a value from the theme_settings
object (similar to getImage
), or you can specify your own size inline. getImageSrcset
does not require theme_settings
keys to be wrapped in quotes; they should be referenced directly.
Pixel density
{{getImageSrcset image 1x="1280w" 2x="2560w"}}
{{getImageSrcset image 1x="800w" 1.5x="1200w" 2x="1600w"}}
{{getImageSrcset image 1x="640x640" 2x="1280x1280"}}
By specifying several sizes using the pixel density descriptor, you can generate a srcset
of different image resolutions for different pixel density screens as described in Resolution switching: Same size, different resolutions (opens in a new tab). For example, you can specify a 2x
image for Retina screens, and a 1x
image for normal screens.
As above, you can reference theme_settings
keys or specify your own size inline.
Inherent width
<img src="{{getImage image 'default'}}" srcset="{{getImageSrcset image 100w='100w' 200w='200w' 300w='300w'}}" />
<!-- =>
<img src="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-abc123/images/stencil/640x640/products/86/286/ablebrewingsystem4_1024x1024__07155.1456436672.jpg?c=2" srcset="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-abc123/images/stencil/100w/products/86/286/ablebrewingsystem4_1024x1024__07155.1456436672.jpg?c=2 100w, https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-abc123/images/stencil/200w/products/86/286/ablebrewingsystem4_1024x1024__07155.1456436672.jpg?c=2 200w,https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-abc123/images/stencil/300w/products/86/286/ablebrewingsystem4_1024x1024__07155.1456436672.jpg?c=2 300w" /> -->
<img src="{{getImageSrcSet image 1x='1000x1000'}}" srcset="{{getImageSrcset image 1x='1000x1000' 2x='2000x2000'}}" />
<!-- =>
<img src="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-abc123/images/stencil/640x640/products/86/286/ablebrewingsystem4_1024x1024__07155.1456436672.jpg?c=2" srcset="https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-abc123/images/stencil/100w/products/86/286/ablebrewingsystem4_1024x1024__07155.1456436672.jpg?c=2 100w, https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-abc123/images/stencil/200w/products/86/286/ablebrewingsystem4_1024x1024__07155.1456436672.jpg?c=2 200w,https://cdn11.bigcommerce.com/s-abc123/images/stencil/300w/products/86/286/ablebrewingsystem4_1024x1024__07155.1456436672.jpg?c=2 300w" /> -->
By specifying several sizes using the inherent width descriptor, you can generate a srcset
of different image resolutions based on width, which can in turn be selected by the browser based on the expected size of the image when the page is painted. It is recommended to use this together with a sizes
attribute on the <img>
element as described in Resolution switching: Different sizes (opens in a new tab). In Cornerstone, this is handled automatically via JavaScript.
As above, you can reference theme_settings
keys or specify your own size inline.
{{any arg}}
Renders block if one or more parameters are true.
{{#any items selected=true}}
<!-- block to display if any items have selected=true -->
A usage example is templates/components/category/shop-by-price.html
(opens in a new tab), a category page in Stencil's Cornerstone base theme that does not have faceted search turned on. Shoppers will see Shop by price filters instead of product filters.
In this component, the {{any}}
helper is used to determine whether a shopper has selected one of the filters, and whether a "reset" button needs to be displayed:
{{#any shop_by_price selected=true}}
<li class="navList-item">
<a href="{{category_url}}" class="navList-action">
{{lang 'category.reset'}}
{{all arg}}
Renders block if all parameters are true.
{{#all items theme_settings.optionA theme_settings.optionB}}
<!-- block to display if all items evaluate to true -->
{{#all product.custom_fields theme_settings.show_custom_fields_tabs}}
<li class="tab">
<a class="tab-title" href="#tab-{{dashcase (lowercase (sanitize theme_settings.pdp-custom-fields-tab-label))}}">{{sanitize theme_settings.pdp-custom-fields-tab-label}}</a>
{{compare a operator b}}
Compares values with JavaScript operators. Renders block if comparison of the first and third parameters returns true.
() -
(): The operator to use. Operators must be enclosed in quotes:>
, and so on.==
() -
(Object): Options object. -
(String): Block, or if specified the inverse block is rendered if falsy.
{{contains collection value}}
Renders block if collection
has the given value
, using strict equality (===
) for comparison, otherwise the inverse block is rendered (if specified). If a startIndex
is specified and is negative, it is used as the offset from the end of the collection.
(Array|Object|String): The collection to iterate over.value
(String|Number|Array|Object): The value to check for.
<!-- array = ['a', 'b', 'c'] -->
{{#contains array "d"}}
This will not be rendered.
This will be rendered.
{{for a b}}
Repeats block for a specified range from index a
to index b
. To protect against infinite loops, this helper is limited to 100 iterations.
(Number): Starting number.b
(Number): Ending number. (Inclusive)
{{#for 1 12}}
{{lang (concat 'common.short_months.' $index)}}
{{if arg}}
Renders if
block when if-statement evaluates to true; otherwise renders else
{{#if page_type '===' 'account_order'}}
<li class="navBar-item is-active">
<a class="navBar-action" href="{{urls.account.orders.all}}">{{lang 'account.nav.orders'}}</a>
<li class="navBar-item is-active">{{lang 'account.nav.orders'}}</li>
{{or arg}}
Renders block if one or more parameters evaluates to true.
(String|Number|Array|Object): Parameters can be of mixed types.
{{#or 1 0 0 0 0 0 0}}
<!-- 1 evaluates to true, so block is rendered-->
{{#or options configurable_fields}}
<a href="#" data-item-edit="{{id}}">{{lang 'cart.checkout.change'}}</a>
{{unless arg}}
Renders a block if a statement is false; does not support operators for comparison expressions.
{{#each category_results}}
<li class="category-suggestion">
{{#each this}}
<a href="{{url}}">{{name}}</a>
{{#unless @last}} > {{/unless}}
<!-- context = {options: {a: {b: {c: 'ddd'}}}} -->
* {{option "a.b.c"}}
* <!-- results => `ddd` -->
Returns the given value of prop from this.options
context = {
"options": {
"a": {
"b": {
"c": "ddd"
{{option "a.b.c"}}
returns "ddd"
{{get (concat “a.b.c.d”) someObject}}
Use property paths (a.b.c
) to get a value or nested value from the context. Works as a regular helper or block helper. You can use return values from the concat
helper as property paths.
{{#get "posts" blog}}{{/get}}
{{#with (getObject "a.b.c" someObject)}}...{{/with}}
Use property paths (a.b.c
) to get an object from the context. Differs from the get
helper in that this helper will return the actual object including the given property key. This helper does not work as a block helper.
{{concat value otherValue}}
Concatenates two strings.
{{concat 'hello' 'world'}}
<!-- => helloworld -->
{{multiConcat value anotherValue andAnotherValue ...}}
Concatenates multiple strings.
{{concat 'there' 'is' 'no' 'spoon'}}
<!-- => thereisnospoon -->
{{join values separator}}
Joins an array of string elements into a single string.
: An optional limit.
<!-- context = {
list: ['Mario', 'Chris', 'Mick', 'Hau', 'Cody']
} -->
{{join list " "}}
<!-- => 'Mario Chris Mick Hau Cody' -->
{{join list ", "}}
<!-- => 'Mario, Chris, Mick, Hau, Cody' -->
{{json object}}
Converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string.
(Object): A JavaScript object.
<!-- context = {
object: { a: 1, b: "hello" }
} -->
{{json object}}
<!-- => '{"a":1,"b":"hello"}' -->
{{occurrences str substring}}
Returns the number of occurrences of substring within the given string.
{{occurrences "foo bar foo bar baz" "foo"}}
<!-- => 2 -->
{{replace firstParam secondParam string}}
Replaces all instances of the first parameter in the second parameter with the child block.
<!-- Replace all instances of `%%Syndicate%%` in `page.content` with `{{> components/page/rss_feed}}`. -->
{{#replace '%%Syndicate%%' page.content}}
{{> components/page/rss_feed}}
{{setURLQueryParam url key value}}
Appends key values to a URL.
(String): The URL of the query parameter.key
(String): The query parameter key.value
(Number): The query parameter value of the stated key.
{{setURLQueryParam "http://example.com/image.jpg" "c" "2"}}
<!-- results in: http://example.com/image.jpg?c=2 -->
{{stripQuerystring url}}
Strips query string from a URL.
(String): The URL containing the query parameter.
{{stripQuerystring "http://example.com?tests=true"}}
<!-- results in: http://example.com -->
{{strReplace subjectString targetSubstring newSubstring occurrenceSelection}}
Replaces some or all occurrences of a target substring within the subject string.
(String): The original string to modify.targetSubstring
(String): The substring insubjectString
to be replaced.newSubstring
(String): The substring to insert in place oftargetSubstring
(Integer): Optional. The number of occurrences oftargetSubstring
to replace withnewSubstring
. If you pass no argument or the supplied integer is greater than the number oftargetSubstring
will replace all instances oftargetSubstring
. A positive integern
will replacen
instances oftargetSubstring
, starting from the left side of the string. Arguments of zero or less will replace no instances. Non-integer arguments may have unpredictable results.
<!-- Replace all instances -->
{{strReplace "Buy one, get one half price. Limit one per customer." "one" "two"}}
<!-- output: Buy two, get two half price. Limit two per customer. -->
{{strReplace "Buy one, get one half price. Limit one per customer." "one" "two" 3}}
<!-- output: Buy two, get two half price. Limit two per customer. -->
{{strReplace "Buy one, get one half price. Limit one per customer." "one" "two" 100}}
<!-- output: Buy two, get two half price. Limit two per customer. -->
<!-- Replace some instances -->
{{strReplace "Buy one, get one half price. Limit one per customer." "one" "two" 2}}
<!-- output: Buy two, get two half price. Limit one per customer. -->
<!-- Replace no instances -->
{{strReplace "Buy one, get one half price. Limit one per customer." "one" "two" 0}}
<!-- output: Buy one, get one half price. Limit one per customer. -->
{{strReplace "Buy one, get one half price. Limit one per customer." "one" "two" -2}}
<!-- output: Buy one, get one half price. Limit one per customer. -->
{{toLowerCase string}}
Converts a string to lowercase.
(String): String you want to convert.
{{toLowerCase 'I Love PIZZA'}}
<!-- => i love pizza -->
{{truncate string length}}
Truncates a string.
(String): The string you want to truncate.length
(Number): The desired length of the returned truncated string.
{{truncate "This will be truncated to only the first part of the sentence." 22}}
<!-- results in: 'This will be truncated' -->
{{block string}}
Defines a block of content. You can overwrite it using the partial helper.
<div class="container">
{{#block "page"}} {{/block}}
{{dynamicComponent path}}
Inserts a dynamic partial in the specified path.
(String): The path to insert a dynamic component in.
{{#each forms.create_account.address_fields }}
{{{dynamicComponent 'components/common/forms'}}}
{{inject value object}}
Injects key values into the jsContext helper.
(String): The value to inject.object
{{inject "myProductName" product.title}}
var jsContext = JSON.parse({{jsContext}});
// results in: "BigCommerce Coffee Mug"
{{inject 'productSize' theme_settings.product_size}}
<!-- Returns a JSON representation of an object of all the keys injected. -->
Returns a JSON representation of the data injected by the inject helper.
{{partial string}}
Overrides content defined by the block helper.
{{#partial "head"}}
{{#if pagination.category.previous}}
<link rel="prev" href="{{pagination.category.previous}}">
{{#if pagination.category.next}}
<link rel="next" href="{{pagination.category.next}}">
{{region name}}
Specifies a widget region.
(String): The name of the region.
<!-- context = {
banner-top: "hello world"
} -->
{{region name="banner-top"}}
<!-- => <div data-content-region="banner-top">hello world</div> -->
{{assignVar key value}}
Assigns a variable for later use in the template and has a limit of 50 variables in storage.
{{assignVar "foo" 10}}
{{getVar key}}
Returns the variable set by assignVar.
{{getVar "foo"}}
{{decrementVar key}}
Decrements the variable set by assignVar by 1.
{{decrementVar "foo"}}
{{incrementVar key}}
Increments the variable set by assignVar by 1.
{{incrementVar "foo"}}
Parse data with JSONparse.
{{#JSONparse '{"foo": "bar"}'}}
<!-- output: bar -->
Parse data safely with JSONparseSafe. This helper is similar to the JSONparse helper, but allows handling of incorrect JSON data. Returns parsed data
when JSON is correct; otherwise, renders an else
(String): The data parsed by the helper.
{{#JSONparseSafe '{"foo": "bar"}'}}
<!-- output: bar -->
{{#JSONparseSafe 'foo'}}
John Doe
<!-- output: John Doe -->
Standard helpers
The following table contains acceptlisted standard Handlebars helpers available to all Stencil themes. Each helper is linked to its GitHub documentation including parameters and examples.
Helper | Category | Description |
after (opens in a new tab) | array | Returns all of the items in an array after the specified index. |
arrayify (opens in a new tab) | array | Casts the given value to an array. |
before (opens in a new tab) | array | Returns all of the items in the collection before the specified count. |
each (opens in a new tab) | array | Block helper that iterates over the items in a given array. |
eachIndex (opens in a new tab) | array | |
filter (opens in a new tab) | array | Block helper that filters the given array and renders the block for values that evaluate to true , otherwise the inverse block is returned. |
first (opens in a new tab) | array | Returns the first item or first n items of an array. |
forEach (opens in a new tab) | array | Iterates over each item in an array and exposes the current item in the array as context to the inner block. |
inArray (opens in a new tab) | array | Block helper that renders the block if an array has the given value . |
isArray (opens in a new tab) | array | Returns true if value is an es5 array. |
last (opens in a new tab) | array | Returns the last item, or last n items of an array or string. |
length (opens in a new tab) | array | Returns the length of the given string or array. |
lengthEqual (opens in a new tab) | array | Returns true if the length of the given value is equal to the given length . |
map (opens in a new tab) | array | Returns a new array created by calling function on each element of the given array. |
some (opens in a new tab) | array | Block helper that returns the block if the callback returns true for some value in the given array. |
sort (opens in a new tab) | array | Sorts the given array. If an array of objects is passed, you may optionally pass a key to sort on as the second argument. |
sortBy (opens in a new tab) | array | Sorts an array. If an array of objects is passed, you may optionally pass a key to sort on as the second argument. |
withAfter (opens in a new tab) | array | Uses the items in the array after the specified index as context inside a block. |
withBefore (opens in a new tab) | array | Uses the items in the array before the specified index as context inside a block. |
withFirst (opens in a new tab) | array | Uses the first item in a collection inside a handlebars block expression. |
withLast (opens in a new tab) | array | Uses the last item or n items in an array as context inside a block. |
withSort (opens in a new tab) | array | Block helper that sorts a collection and exposes the sorted collection as context inside the block. |
isEmpty (opens in a new tab) | collection | Inline, subexpression, or block helper that returns true (or the block) if the given collection is empty, or false (or the inverse block, if supplied) if the collection is not empty. |
iterate (opens in a new tab) | collection | Block helper that iterates over an array or object. If an array is given, .forEach is called, or if an object is given, .forOwn is called, otherwise the inverse block is returned. |
and (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Helper that renders the block if both of the given values are truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. |
default (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Returns the first value that is not undefined, otherwise the default value is returned. |
eq (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if a is equal to b . If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. |
gt (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if a is greater than b . If an inverse block is specified, it will be rendered when false. |
gte (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if a is greater than or equal to b . If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. |
has (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if value has pattern. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. |
ifEven (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Returns true if the given value is an even number. |
ifNth (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Conditionally renders a block if the remainder is zero when a operand is divided by b . If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when the remainder is not zero. |
ifOdd (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if value is an odd number. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. |
is (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if a is equal to b . If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. Similar to eq but does not do strict equality. |
isnt (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if a is not equal to b . If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. Similar to unlessEq but does not use strict equality for comparisons. |
lt (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if a is less than b . If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. |
lte (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if a is less than or equal to b . If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. |
neither (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that renders a block if neither of the given values are truthy. If an inverse block is specified it will be rendered when falsy. |
unlessEq (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a is equal to b . |
unlessGt (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a is greater than b . |
unlessLt (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a is less than b . |
unlessGteq (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a is greater than or equal to b . |
unlessLteq (opens in a new tab) | comparison | Block helper that always renders the inverse block unless a is less than or equal to b . |
sanitize (opens in a new tab) | html | Strips HTML tags from a string, so that only the text nodes are preserved. |
ul (opens in a new tab) | html | Block helper for creating unordered lists (<ul></ul> ). |
ol (opens in a new tab) | html | Block helper for creating ordered lists (<ol></ol> ). |
thumbnailImage (opens in a new tab) | html | Returns a <figure> with a thumbnail linked to a full picture. |
inflect (opens in a new tab) | inflection | Returns either the singular or plural inflection of a word based on the given count. |
ordinalize (opens in a new tab) | inflection | Returns an ordinalized number as a string. |
markdown (opens in a new tab) | markdown | Block helper that converts a string of inline markdown to HTML. |
add (opens in a new tab) | math | Returns the sum of a plus b . |
avg (opens in a new tab) | math | Returns the average of all numbers in the given array. |
ceil (opens in a new tab) | math | Returns the Math.ceil() of the given value. |
divide (opens in a new tab) | math | Divides a by b . |
floor (opens in a new tab) | math | Returns the Math.floor() of the given value. |
multiply (opens in a new tab) | math | Returns the product of a times b . |
random (opens in a new tab) | math | Generates a random number between two values. |
round (opens in a new tab) | math | Rounds the given number. |
subtract (opens in a new tab) | math | Returns the product of a minus b . |
sum (opens in a new tab) | math | Returns the sum of all numbers in the given array. |
noop (opens in a new tab) | misc | Block helper that renders the block without taking any arguments. |
withHash (opens in a new tab) | misc | Block helper that builds the context for the block from the options hash. |
addCommas (opens in a new tab) | number | Adds commas to numbers. |
phoneNumber (opens in a new tab) | number | Converts a string or number to a formatted phone number. |
toAbbr (opens in a new tab) | number | Abbreviates numbers to the given number of precision. This is for general numbers, not size in bytes. |
toExponential (opens in a new tab) | number | Returns a string representing the given number in exponential notation. |
toFixed (opens in a new tab) | number | Formats the given number using fixed-point notation. |
toFloat (opens in a new tab) | number | |
toInt (opens in a new tab) | number | |
toPrecision (opens in a new tab) | number | Returns a string representing the Number object to the specified precision. |
extend (opens in a new tab) | object | Extends the context with the properties of other objects. A shallow merge is performed to avoid mutating the context. |
forIn (opens in a new tab) | object | Block helper that iterates over the properties of an object exposing each key and value on the context. |
forOwn (opens in a new tab) | object | Block helper that iterates over the own properties of an object, exposing each key and value on the context. |
toPath (opens in a new tab) | object | Takes arguments and, if they are string or number, converts them to a dot-delineated object property path. |
hasOwn (opens in a new tab) | object | Returns true if key is an own, enumerable property of the given context object. |
isObject (opens in a new tab) | object | Returns true if value is an object. |
JSONparse | object | Parses the given string using JSON.parse . |
JSONparseSafe | object | Parses the given string safely using JSON.parseSafe . |
JSONstringify (opens in a new tab) | object | Stringifies an object using JSON.stringify . |
merge (opens in a new tab) | object | Deeply merges the properties of the given objects with the context object. |
pick (opens in a new tab) | object | Picks properties from the context object. |
camelcase (opens in a new tab) | string | camelCase the characters in the given string. |
capitalize (opens in a new tab) | string | Capitalizes the first word in a sentence. |
capitalizeAll (opens in a new tab) | string | Capitalizes all words in a string. |
center (opens in a new tab) | string | Centers a string using non-breaking spaces. |
chop (opens in a new tab) | string | Like trim, but removes both extraneous whitespace and non-word characters from the beginning and end of a string. |
dashcase (opens in a new tab) | string | Replaces non-word characters and periods with hyphens. |
dotcase (opens in a new tab) | string | dot.case the characters in a string. |
ellipsis (opens in a new tab) | string | Truncates a string to the specified length, and appends it with an elipsis, … . |
hyphenate (opens in a new tab) | string | Replaces spaces in a string with hyphens. |
isString (opens in a new tab) | string | Returns true if value is a string. |
lowercase (opens in a new tab) | string | Lowercase all characters in the given string. |
occurrences (opens in a new tab) | string | Returns the number of occurrences of substring within the given string. |
pascalcase (opens in a new tab) | string | PascalCase the characters in a string. |
pathcase (opens in a new tab) | string | path/case the characters in a string. |
plusify (opens in a new tab) | string | Replaces spaces in the given string with pluses. |
reverse (opens in a new tab) | string | Reverses a string. |
sentence (opens in a new tab) | string | Sentence case the given string. |
snakecase (opens in a new tab) | string | snake_case the characters in the given string. |
split (opens in a new tab) | string | Splits a string by the given character. |
startsWith (opens in a new tab) | string | Tests whether a string begins with the given prefix. |
titleize (opens in a new tab) | string | Title case the given string. |
trim (opens in a new tab) | string | Removes extraneous whitespace from the beginning and end of a string. |
uppercase (opens in a new tab) | string | Uppercase all of the characters in the given string. If used as a block helper it will uppercase the entire block. This helper does not support inverse blocks. |
encodeURI (opens in a new tab) | url | Encodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) component by replacing each instance of certain characters by one, two, three, or four escape sequences representing the UTF-8 encoding of the character. |
decodeURI (opens in a new tab) | url | Decodes a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) component. |
urlResolve (opens in a new tab) | url | Takes a base URL and a href URL and resolves them as a browser would for an anchor tag. |
urlParse (opens in a new tab) | url | Parses a URL string into an object. |
stripProtocol (opens in a new tab) | url | Strips protocol from a URL. Useful for displaying media that may have an 'http' protocol on secure connections. |
Contributing to helpers
BigCommerce's custom Handlebars helpers are open source. To contribute, make a pull request to bigcommerce/paper-handlebars (opens in a new tab).
- Widgets
- Theme Objects
- Cornerstone (opens in a new tab)
- Paper Handlebars (opens in a new tab)
- Handlebars.js (opens in a new tab)