BigCommerce for WordPress
Getting started
Multi-site setup

BigCommerce for WordPress

Multi-site Setup

When connecting more than one WordPress site to your BigCommerce store, you need to use an API account to link them. If you try to connect using the 'connect your store' flow, which uses a BigCommerce app to streamline the connection, your first WordPress site will lose its connection to BigCommerce.

Multi-site and subdirectories

Multiple sites can share the same API credentials, or you can choose to create a new set of credentials for each site.

Configuration MethodIs Supported
Separate DomainsYes*

Note that embedded checkout is only supported on a single domain at a time. See the BigCommerce for WordPress (opens in a new tab) documentation.*

Getting your API credentials

  1. To get your store’s API credentials, sign in to your active MSF-enabled BigCommerce store and head to Settings > API > API accounts.

Click 'Create API Account' to get credentials

  1. Click the blue Create API Account button on the top left-hand side. This opens up a screen that will ask you to enter a name and select scopes for the API account.

Fill in the Name and OAuth Scopes

API account name field

We suggest 'WordPress' for the name, although you can name it anything you'd like as long as it's unique within your API accounts and is more than three characters.

  1. Depending on the product import options you select, the OAuth settings must match up accordingly to prevent importing errors. For more information on product import options, check out our Product Import page.

    Set the OAuth scope settings to the following defaults according to your import options.

OAuth ScopeFull ImportFast Headless
Checkout contentNoneNone
Customers loginLoginLogin
Information & settingsModifyModify
Order transactionsRead-OnlyRead-Only
Create paymentsNoneNone
Get payment methodsRead-OnlyRead-Only
Stored payment instrumentsNoneNone
Sites & routesModifyModify
Channel settingsModifyModify
Channel listingsModifyModify
Storefront API tokensNoneManage
Storefront API customer impersonation tokensNoneManage
Store logsNoneNone
Store locationsNoneNone
Store inventoryNoneNone
Fulfillment methodsNoneNone
Order fulfillmentNoneNone
  1. After you have finished setting a name and selecting scopes, click Save. You will then see a modal that contains the Client ID, Client Secret and Access Token necessary for the remaining fields in the WordPress API Credentials settings.

API credentials

.txt file download

You'll also see a .txt file download in your browser that contains the same information in an easy-to-read format, once again including your API Path in case you didn't copy it before.

.txt file download

Setting up a WordPress site using API account credentials

  1. To set up a WordPress site using this method, click Enter your API credentials on the welcome screen in the plugin.

WordPress Plugin Welcome Screen


  1. Enter your API credentials on your WordPress site.

Saving the API credentials on your WordPress site will direct you to name the channel that the plugin will create. This allows you to list product to the channel from within BigCommerce and link orders back to the channel that comes from the WordPress site. You can also link to an existing channel.

Congratulations, you're done setting up your additional site!

WordPress currency processing

The WordPress sites you connect to your BigCommerce store will process in the same currency as the BigCommerce store.

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