Release notes

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API Updates for January 18, 2024


  • Hi Devs! We added a submitContactUs mutation to our GraphQL Storefront API, enabling a frontend customer feedback experience. This feature relies on reCaptcha for security and requires the customer to supply, at minimum, an email and comments. It also supports optional fields such as fullName, phoneNumber, orderNumber, companyName, and rmaNumber. This mutation also provides descriptive results for errors that can occur, including the failing field, what caused the error, and a description of the error. For more details, see the GraphQL Storefront Playground for your store or sandbox and experiment with the submitContactUs mutation.

Bug Fix

Bug Fix

API Announcement for January 16, 2024


  • A valued partner has done the heroic work of making the OAS operation IDs programmatic across our public APIs. The operationId property is now consistently camelCase and relates to the plain-language name of the endpoint. You can use operation IDs as basis for the method name in a generated SDK.


API Announcement for January 8, 2024


Attention, developers! Google Chrome is starting to restrict 3rd-party cookies. Google made the announcement some time ago, but it's now in effect for 1% of Chrome users, and we expect that number to grow. Many of our app store apps use cookies to manage things like user session or analytics. If you maintain apps or storefront integrations that use 3rd-party cookies, please see Google's article on the changes ( and update your code.


API Announcement for December 28, 2023


As of December 27, 2023, you can find all the public BigCommerce DevDocs at

Previous docs repositories are now read-only due to the move into one repository. This change includes the following repositories:

This consolidation offers a more streamlined developer experience. We look forward to seeing your issues, discussions, and pull requests at bigcommerce/docs.


API Updates for December 21, 2023


  • The Webhooks Overview article now provides best practices for working with webhook responses. Use these response requirements to ensure the webhook delivery is successful. 

  • Excited to announce that authorized users can now create API Keys or install apps like store owners. See the Single-Click App OAuth Flow article for details.

  • Added the shipping_provider_display_name field to Orders V2 API. Now, you can expose a friendly human-readable name for the provider instead of the provider code.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a bug related to the category image URL length for the v3/catalog/trees/categories endpoint, allowing the img_url to contain a full path instead of a short one. The img_url is now consistent with the existing categories API and documented format.

Bug Fix

API Updates for December 14, 2023


  • Happy to announce rate limits are now available for the Create a Customer Address endpoint.

  • The Carts and Checkout Storefront APIs now allow adding, updating, and deleting gift wrapping to lineItems similar to the REST Management APIs. 

  • Deprecated the view_count field for products in the Catalog API to improve platform performance.

  • The newly released Delete Locations endpoint of the Locations API allows you to delete locations that do not have open transaction associated with them. Now you can remove an incorrectly added location or a location that is interfering with a workflow.

Bug Fix

  • Fixed a GraphQL bug related to price fields displaying even when Show Product’s Price is disabled in the Settings>Display>Product Settings section of the control panel.

Bug Fix

API Updates and Announcement for December 7, 2023



BigCommerce is excited to announce a move toward a more streamlined and consolidated public-facing docs repository in 2024. On December 27th, all our current docs repositories will become read-only in preparation for the move into one repository. This change includes the following repositories:

If you maintain API clients, your source for the most up-to-date API specifications will change.


API Update for November 30, 2023



API Updates for November 16, 2023


Added concurrency limits to the following endpoints:


API Updates for November 9, 2023


  • Added minimum and maximum values for the pagination limit parameter.

  • You can not exclude gift_wrapping_options_type and gift_wrapping_options_list from response bodies in the Catalog API.

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