AccountDownloadItemsBreadcrumb Panel
The breadcrumb navigation shown when downloading digital items from an order.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% |
AccountDownloadItems Panel
The list of downloadable items in a digital order.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_DownloadIntro%% |
AccountInbox Panel
A list of order messages in the customer’s account. Also includes the form to send a message relating to a past order placed on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
AccountInbox |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideNoOrderMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideInbox%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideInboxMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AccountInboxIntro%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMessageSuccess%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMessageError%% |
AccountNewReturnBreadcrumb Panel
The breadcrumb navigation menu.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% |
AccountNewReturnInfo Panel
Form for entering details about the new return request such as the reason, action and comments.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ReturnReasonsList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReturnAction%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReturnAction%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReturnActionsList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReturnForm%% |
AccountNewReturnProducts Panel
A table of products in the particular order including choices to select the quantity of each item to return.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideReturnForm%% |
AccountOrderLinks Panel
Links shown on the right to submit a return request for this order or print a copy of the invoice for this order.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ShowOrderActions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisableReturnButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% |
AccountOrderShipments Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_LNG_OrderShipments%% |
AccountOrderStatus Panel
The list of pending orders placed on the store by the customer.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideNoOrderStatusMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderStatusList%% |
AccountOrder Panel
The details of the order (billing and shipping address as well as the products purchased)
Available Panels
Name | Description |
AccountOrder | |
AccountOrder |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_OrderStatus%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderDate%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderTotal%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BillingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSingleShippingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FlassMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideItemDetailsHeader%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderTotalRows%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderComments%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderComments%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderStatus%% |
AccountOrders Panel
The list of previously placed orders on the store by the customer.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideNoOrdersMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderList%% |
AccountRecentItems Panel
The list of items that the customer has recently viewed on the store.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CompareLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCompareItems%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideNoRecentItemsMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRecentItemList%% |
AccountReturns Panel
The list of submitted returns requests.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideReturnsList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideNoReturnsMessage%% |
BrandBreadcrumb Panel
The breadcrumb navigation menu.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_AllBrandsLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TrailBrandName%% |
BrandContent Panel
The contents of the brands page. Either the products in a particular brand or a list of brands in the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
BrandContent |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CompareLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCompareItems%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TrailBrandName%% |
BrandProductListing Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_BrandsMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideBrandProductListing%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BrandProductListing%% |
CartContent Panel
The contents of the customers shopping cart and the bottom “Proceed to Checkout” button.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideCheckoutButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptimizerLinkFunction%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartCheckoutButtonOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartCheckoutButtonOptimizerNoScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMultipleAddressShipping%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMultipleAddressShippingOr%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AdditionalCheckoutButtons%% | |
%%GLOBAL_KeepShoppingLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_KeepShoppingText%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShoppingCartEmptyMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShoppingCartGrid%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartItemTotal%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideGiftWrappingTotal%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftWrappingTotal%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideDiscountAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DiscountAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShoppingCartShippingEstimator%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingCountryList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingHideStateList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingStateList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AddressState%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingHideStateBox%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingZip%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShoppingCartShippingCost%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingProvider%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingCost%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShoppingCartHandlingCost%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HandlingCost%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Taxes%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartTotal%% | |
%%GLOBAL_InclusiveTaxes%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCartQuantityTextBox%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% |
CartHeader Panel
The header of the cart contents page with the title and the top “Proceed to Checkout” button.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartCheckoutButtonOptimizerNoScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AdditionalCheckoutButtons%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptimizerLinkScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartCheckoutButtonControlScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCheckoutButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptimizerLinkFunction%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartCheckoutButtonOptimizerScriptTag%% |
CartStatusMessage Panel
If an alternate status message is to be shown, the status message.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CartStatusMessage%% |
SuggestiveCartContent Panel
Displays recommended products after a product was added to the cart. This includes products that customers who purchased this product have also purchased, related products and popular products.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSuggestiveCartContent%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SuggestedProductListing%% |
CategoryContent Panel
The list of products in the category being viewed on the store.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CompareButtonTop%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisplayMode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CategoryProductListing%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CompareButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CompareLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CategoryContentFlashMessages%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ListJS%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CompareLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CompareOnSubmit%% |
CategoryHeading Panel
The heading (category name) as well as the “sort” box for a particular category view.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CatDesc%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CategoryDescriptionOptimizerNoScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CategoryNameOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CatName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CategoryNameOptimizerNoScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CategoryDescriptionOptimizerScriptTag%% |
CategoryProductListing Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CategoryProductListing%% |
CheckGiftCertificateBalance Panel
Displays the form asking for the gift certificate code to check the balance of.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideExampleImage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BalanceTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideGiftCertificateError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideIntro%% |
ChooseBillingAddress Panel
Available Panels
Name | Description |
ChooseBillingAddress |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutShippingTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutShippingIntro%% |
ChooseShippingAddress Panel
If the customer is logged in, this panel is shown containing the list of shipping addresses in their address book.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
ChooseShippingAddress |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideTabSingle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutShippingIntro%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideTabMultiple%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutMultiShippingIntro%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutShippingTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShippingTabs%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ActiveTabSingle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ActiveTabMultiple%% |
CompareContent Panel
The table showing the products being compared.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_NumCompareItems%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ComparisonHeading%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideTooManyProductsMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TooManyProductsMessage%% |
ConfirmOrder Panel
The order confirmation and payment method selection form.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
ConfirmOrder |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CreditAlt%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePaymentProviderList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PaymentProviders%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderComments%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderComments%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderTermsAndConditions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideTermsAndConditionsTextarea%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderTermsAndConditions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AgreeTermsAndConditions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TermsAndConditionsLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCheckoutError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMailingListInvite%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMailingListInvite%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NewsletterBoxIsTicked%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderCheckBox%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderBoxIsTicked%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutErrorMsg%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideButtomPaymentButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PaymentButtonSwitch%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCheckoutSuccess%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutSuccessMsg%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideConfirmOrderPage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BillingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShippingDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_totals%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideUseCoupon%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RedeemTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RedeemIntro%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePaymentOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideUseStoreCredit%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideTopPaymentButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideUseStoreCredit%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutStoreCreditWarning%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideLimitedCreditWarning%% | |
%%GLOBAL_StoreCredit%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideLimitedCreditWarning%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Remaining%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRemainingStoreCredit%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RemainingCredit%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideLimitedCreditPaymentOption%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideLimitedCreditWarning%% | |
%%GLOBAL_StoreCreditPaymentProviders%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutWith%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCreditAltOptionList%% |
Footer Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_DesignModeHTML%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QueryList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DesignModeScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_LiveChatFooterCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptimizerTrackingScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptimizerConversionScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptimizerSetCookieScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FooterScripts%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DebugDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AllPricesAreInCurrency%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Year%% | |
%%GLOBAL_MobileSiteLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PoweredBy%% |
Page Contact Form Layout
The form shown when a web page is configured as a “Contact Form” allowing users to submit a question/message to the store owner.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.ContactFormJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideFullName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContactName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideFullName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContactEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCompanyName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContactCompanyName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCompanyName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePhone%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContactPhone%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePhone%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderNo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContactOrderNo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideOrderNo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRMANo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContactRMA%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRMANo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContactQuestion%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideFormError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCaptcha%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCaptcha%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CaptchaImage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ARSPanel%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PageId%% |
CheckoutNewAddressForm Panel
If the customer is not logged in and checking out as a guest this panel is shown containing the fields to enter their billing/shipping address.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
CheckoutNewAddressForm |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ShipCustomFields%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShippingOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShippingOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShipToAddressChecked%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShipToBillingName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShipAddressButtonText%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckoutShippingTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShipAddressButtonText_JS%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideErrors%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingFormAction%% |
CreateAccountForm Panel
A form containing the fields necessary to create a customer account on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
CreateAccountForm |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideCreateAccountErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreateAccountEmailPassword%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreateAccountDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReviewCaptcha%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReviewCaptcha%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReCaptchaAPIKeyPublic%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReCaptchaAPIKeyPublic%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreateAccountButtonText%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreateAccountHeading%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCreateAccountIntroMessage%% |
EditAccountForm Panel
Form shown allowing the customer to change the details (email address, password, name etc) of their registered account.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
EditAccountForm |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideEditAccountSuccessMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_StatusMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AccountCurrentEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AccountFirstName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AccountLastName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AccountCompanyName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AccountPhone%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AccountFields%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideEditAccountIntroMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideEditAccountErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_StatusMessage%% |
ForgotPasswordForm Panel
The form shown for the customer to enter their email address to have their password reset.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
ForgotPasswordForm |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideForgotPasswordError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% |
GetNewPasswordForm Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CustomerId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ForgottenPasswordToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomerEmailAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideForgotPasswordError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% |
IdealPaymentForm Panel
Available Panels
Name | Description |
IdealPaymentForm |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_IdealIssuerOptions%% |
LoginForm Panel
The “Create an Account” and “Sign in to Your Account” options shown on the login page.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
LoginForm |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideLoginNewAccountIntro%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExistingUserHeading%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideLoginMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_MessageClass%% | |
%%GLOBAL_LoginMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NewAccountHeading%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideNewCustomerButton%% |
ShippingAddressForm Panel
The form containing the fields for either editing or adding a shipping/billing address to the customer address book.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
ShippingAddressForm |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingAddressFormAction%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShipId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShipCustomFields%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingAddressFormTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAddShippingAddressIntroMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingAddressFormIntro%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAddShippingAddressMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Message%% |
CartEditProductFieldsForm Snippet
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_jQueryUIPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomizeProductTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ItemId%% | |
%%SNIPPET_ProductFieldsList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductAttributeList%% | |
%%LNG_Cancel%% | |
%%LNG_Save%% | |
%%LNG_EnterRequiredField%% | |
%%LNG_InvalidFileTypeJS%% | |
%%LNG_DeleteProductFieldFileConfirmation%% |
ListCheckForm Snippet
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%LNG_InvoicePendingPaymentText%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% |
GiftCertificateBalanceRemaining Panel
Shown after a customer enters their gift certificate code and displays the remaining balance and expiry date.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_GiftCertificateCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RemainingBalance%% |
HeaderSearch Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_OriginalSearchQuery%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% |
Header Panel
Available Panels
Name | Description |
Header |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_MaintenanceNotice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HeaderLogo%% |
HtmlHead Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HeadFonts%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Favicon%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptimizerControlScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Stylesheets%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HeadRSSLinks%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TrackingCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DesignModeStyleSheet%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HeaderImageStyle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_jQueryPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FastCart%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductThumbImageWidth%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductThumbImageHeight%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AdditionalScriptTags%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickSearchJS%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RTLStyles%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CharacterSet%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AdditionalMetaTags%% |
HomeFeaturedProducts Panel
A list of store-wide featured products (products marked as featured in the control panel)
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideHomeFeaturedProductsPanel%% |
HomeNewProducts Panel
A list of store-wide new products (based on the date they were added to the store)
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideHomeNewProductsPanel%% |
HomeRecentBlogs Panel
A list of products that are on sale (those that have a sale price configured that’s less than the normal price of the product)
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideHomeRecentBlogsPanel%% |
HomeSlideShow Panel
Available Panels
Name | Description |
HomeSlideShow |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SwapFrequency%% |
AddShippingAddressJavaScript Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_AddressFormFieldID%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FormFieldRequiredJS%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CheckEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AddressFormFieldID%% |
ChooseCheckoutProviderJavaScript Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% |
ContactFormJavaScript Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideCaptcha%% |
CreateAccountJavaScript Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreateAccountAccountFormFieldID%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FormFieldRequiredJS%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreateAccountAccountFormFieldID%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreateAccountShippingFormFieldID%% |
EditAccountJavaScript Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_EditAccountAccountFormFieldID%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FormFieldRequiredJS%% |
HomeSlideShowJavaScript Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% |
SearchJavaScript Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SearchId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SelectedCategoryOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AutoHideSearchForm%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CategoryOptions%% |
NewsBreadcrumb Panel
The breadcrumb navigation menu.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_NewsTitle%% |
NewsComments Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CommentsHTML%% |
NewsContent Panel
Used to display an individual news item on the news page.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_NewsTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NewsDate%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NewsContent%% |
PageComments Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CommentsHTML%% |
PageContent Panel
Displays the title and the content of the web page currently being viewed.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_PageNameOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PageTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PageNameOptimizerNoScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PageDescriptionOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PageContent%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PageDescriptionOptimizerNoScriptTag%% |
PagesMenu Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ActivePageHomeClass%% |
ProductBreadcrumb Panel
The breadcrumb navigation menu.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideBreadCrumbs%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BreadCrumbs%% |
ProductByCategory Panel
Shows a list of categories related to the product currently being viewed.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_FindByCategory%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSectionSeparator%% |
ProductDescription Panel
Contains the description of the product currently being viewed.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ProductDescriptionOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductDesc%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductDescriptionOptimizerNoScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSectionSeparator%% |
ProductDetails Panel
Contains the details (price, brand, shipping information, product image and product name) to be shown on the product view page.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ProductCondition%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideWeight%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductWeight%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRating%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Rating%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReviewLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReviewLinkOnClick%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReviewLinkText%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAvailability%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Availability%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CurrentProdThumbImage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShipping%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingPrice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMinQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_MinQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMaxQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_MaxQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductThumbWidth%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCurrentStock%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CurrentStockLabel%% | |
%%GLOBAL_InventoryList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductThumbHeight%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideGiftWrapMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftWrappingAvailable%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductMaxZoomWidth%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FacebookLikeButtonBelow%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductMaxZoomHeight%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductMaxTinyWidth%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductMaxTinyHeight%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProdImageJavascript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShowImageZoomer%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductDetailFlashMessages%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_productAttributesCssPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductNameOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductNameOptimizerNoScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AddThisLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideProductThumb%% | |
%%GLOBAL_LightBoxImageJavascript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_jQueryUIPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideImageCarousel%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMorePicturesLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SeeMorePictures%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TinyImageClickJavascript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PinterestButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FacebookLikeButtonAbove%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRRP%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RetailPrice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePrice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PriceLabel%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_IncludingExcludingTax%% | |
%%GLOBAL_YouSave%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSKU%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SKU%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideVendorDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_VendorName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideBrandLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BrandLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BrandName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCondition%% |
ProductImagePopup Panel
Shows an individual product image in the product image popup and the buttons to navigate between the product images.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ProductName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NavLinkDisplay%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisablePrevLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisableNextLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TotalImages%% |
ProductOtherDetails Panel
Displays the custom fields configured for the product being shown.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideCustomFields%% |
ProductReviews Panel
A list of product reviews for this particular product as well as the form for posting a new review for this product.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CommentsHTML%% |
ProductTabs Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ProductTabsOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductTabsControlScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductTabsOptimizerNoScriptTag%% |
ProductVideos Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_FeaturedVideo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FeaturedVideo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSingleVideo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_VideoLength%% | |
%%GLOBAL_VideoTitleLong%% | |
%%GLOBAL_VideoDescriptionLong%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideVideoList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FeaturedVideo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSectionSeparator%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductImageMode%% |
ProductWarranty Panel
If the product has any warranty text/information set, it will be shown in this panel.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ProductWarranty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSectionSeparator%% |
PurchaseGiftCertificate Panel
Displays the form used to make the purchase of a gift certificate from the store.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideGiftCertificateForm%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftCertificateMinimum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartItemId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftCertificateMaximum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CertificateTo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftCertificatePreviewModalTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CertificateToEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CertificateFrom%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CertificateFromEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CertificateTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CertificateMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideGiftCertificateAmountSelect%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftCertificateAmountSelect%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideGiftCertificateCustomAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomCertificateAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftCertificateRange%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideExpiryInfo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AgreeChecked%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftCertificateTerms%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AgreeChecked%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideThemeSelect%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideThemeSelect%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftCertificateThemes%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SaveGiftCertificateButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% |
QuickViewContent Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ProductWeight%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAvailability%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Availability%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewShareLinks%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShipping%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingPrice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMinQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_MinQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMaxQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_MaxQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCurrentStock%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CurrentStockLabel%% | |
%%GLOBAL_InventoryList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideGiftWrapMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GiftWrappingAvailable%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRating%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideProductAttributeList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductAttributeList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisplayAdd%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisplayAddQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisplayAddQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AddToCartQty%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewRating%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideBulkDiscountLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BulkDiscountThickBoxRates%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisplayAdd%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DisplayAdd%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewProductURL%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ItemSoldOut%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewProductName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptionMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewProductURL%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewReviews%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShowAddToCartQtyBox%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductMinMaxQtyJavascript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_EventDateJavascript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewProductURL%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ThumbImageURL%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewProductDescription%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CartLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FastCartButtonJs%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductOptionRequired%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRRP%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RetailPrice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePrice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PriceLabel%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductPrice%% | |
%%GLOBAL_IncludingExcludingTax%% | |
%%GLOBAL_YouSave%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSKU%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewFacebookLikeButton%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SKU%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideVendorDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_VendorName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_QuickViewShareLinksLabel%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideBrandLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BrandLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BrandName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCondition%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductCondition%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideWeight%% |
SearchPageHeader Panel
The header containing the search form and breadcrumb navigation menu.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
SearchPageHeader |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideAdvancedOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FormattedSearchQuery%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BrandNameOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAdvancedLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideProductSearchOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideProductSearchOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PriceFrom%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PriceTo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideProductSearchOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideProductSearchOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SearchTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRelatedSearches%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShowSearchSuggestion%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SearchId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SuggestQuery%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SuggestQueryEscaped%% |
SearchPageProducts Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchResults%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SearchResults%% |
SearchPage Panel
If a search is being performed, this panel will be shown containing any results matching the search terms.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
SearchPage |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ContentContainerDisplay%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchPage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SelectedSearchTab%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductTabActive%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductTabUrl%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContentTabActive%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContentTabUrl%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductContainerDisplay%% |
SearchTabContents Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchResultsContent%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SearchResultsContent%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchResultsNoResult%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OriginalSearchQuery%% |
SearchTabProducts Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchResultsProduct%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SearchResultsProduct%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SnippetSearchResultsFeed%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchResultsNoResult%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OriginalSearchQuery%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchResultsCategoryAndBrand%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchResultsCategory%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SearchResultsCategory%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSearchResultsBrand%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SearchResultsBrand%% |
ShareProductById Panel
Available Panels
Name | Description |
ShareProductById |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideChooseAnotherToShare%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FirstProductId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SharingData%% |
ShareProductChoices Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
SideAccountMenu Panel
The list of links/options available in the “My Account” section of the store.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideWishlist%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NumWishListItems%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideMessagesMenu%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NumNewMessages%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReturnRequestsMenu%% |
SideAccountStoreCredit Panel
If the customer has store credit, shows the amount of store credit their account contains
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideStoreCredit%% | |
%%GLOBAL_StoreCreditAmount%% |
SideBrandTagCloud Panel
A tag cloud showing the popularity/density of brand names on the store.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideBrandTagCloudPanel%% |
SideCartContents Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_AdditionalCheckoutButtons%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCartOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePurchasingOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideCart%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SideCartItemCount%% |
SideCategoryList Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SideCategoryListTypeClass%% |
SideCategoryNewProducts Panel
A list of new products in the category currently being viewed.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideCategoryNewProductsPanel%% |
SideCategoryPopularProducts Panel
List of the popular products (based on the ratings/reviews) for a particular category.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideCategoryPopularProductsPanel%% |
SideCategoryShopByPrice Panel
The price point options for browsing items between different price ranges in the current category.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideCategoryShopByPricePanel%% |
SideCategoryTopSellers Panel
The list of top selling products (based on the number sold) for a particular category.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideCategoryTopSellersPanel%% |
SideCouponCodeBox Panel
The coupon code entry box shown on the side of the cart page.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% |
SideGiftCertificateCodeBox Panel
The gift certificate code entry box shown on the side of the cart page.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% |
SideLiveChatServices Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SideLiveChatCode%% |
SideNewProducts Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideNewProductsPanel%% |
SideNewsletterBox Panel
Available Panels
Name | Description |
SideNewsletterBox |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_NewsletterButtonOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NewsletterBoxOptimizerNoScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NewsletterBoxControlScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NewsletterHeaderOptimizerScriptTag%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NewsletterBoxOptimizerNoScriptTag%% |
SidePopularProducts Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSidePopularProductsPanel%% | |
%%SNIPPET_SidePopularProductsFeed%% | |
%%LNG_PopularProducts%% | |
%%SNIPPET_SidePopularProducts%% |
SideProductAddToWishList Panel
The button to add this product to the customer’s wishlist.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePurchasingOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideWishlist%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishLists%% |
SideProductAlsoBought Panel
Shows a list of products that customers have purchased who have also purchased the product being shown.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_AlsoBoughtProductListing%% |
SideProductRecentlyViewed Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideProductRecentlyViewedCompare%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRecentlyViewedProductsPanel%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CompareLink%% |
SideProductRelated Panel
A list of products related to this product (either automatically fetched or manually configured)
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideRelatedProductsPanel%% |
SideShopByBrandFull Panel
A complete list of brand names on the store ordered alphabetically.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideShopByBrandFullPanel%% |
SideShopByBrand Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideShopByBrandPanel%% |
SideTopSellers Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSideTopSellersPanel%% |
SimilarProductsByTag Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSectionSeparator%% |
SitemapBreadcrumb Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideIfSubsection%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideIfNoSubsection%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SitemapLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideIfNoSubsection%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SitemapSubsectionTrail%% |
Syndicate Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ShowNewProductsFeed%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShowPopularProductsFeed%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShowFeaturedProductsFeed%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShowSearchFeed%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShowNewsFeed%% | |
TagProducts Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CompareLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TagProductListing%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCompareItems%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TaggedProducts%% |
TopMenu Panel
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideWishlist%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCartOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAccountOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_LoginOrLogoutText%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OptimizerLinkScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePurchasingOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_LiveChatCodeEnabled%% | |
%%GLOBAL_LiveChatCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAccountOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAccountOptions%% |
WishListAddForm Panel
The form that allows creation of a wishlist.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_PageTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideNormalMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideWishListAddFrom%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSuccessMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListAction%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SelectPublic%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PageTitle%% |
WishListItems Panel
Used when displaying the contents of a particular wishlist.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_WishListName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideNormalMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideWishListItems%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSuccessMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShareWishList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShareWishListClass%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PublicWishListUrl%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShareWishListIntro%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListName%% |
WishLists Panel
Shown whenever a list of wishlists the customer has is to be displayed.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideNormalMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSuccessMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_WishListMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideWishLists%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideWishListsTable%% |