Store operations;isBold;icon_data-settings
Catalog V2 products
Option set options

Option Set Options

Option Set Options

Options belonging to an option set.



Avoid using this API operation if possible. It will be removed in a future version.

Option Set Option: Object – Properties

idintThe ID of this option.
option_idintThe ID of the option to which this option set connects.
option_set_idintThe ID of this option set.
display_namestringThe friendly name used for this option set.
sort_orderintThe order in which the option is displayed on the product page.
is_requiredbooleanSpecifies whether customer is required to enter a value for this option before they can add the product to their cart.
optionresourceThe connected option.
valuesobject_arrayArray of values for the connected option.

List Option Set Options

Gets the options associated with an option set. (Default sorting is by option id, from lowest to highest.)

GET /stores/{store_hash}/v2/option_sets/{option_set_id}/options


Parameters can be added to the URL query string to paginate the collection. The maximum limit is 250. If a limit isn’t provided, up to 50 option_set_options are returned by default.



Example JSON returned in the response:

    "id": 43,
    "option_id": 18,
    "option_set_id": 14,
    "display_name": "Size",
    "sort_order": 0,
    "is_required": true,
    "option": {
      "url": "",
      "resource": "/options/18"
    "values": [
        "label": "XS",
        "sort_order": 0,
        "value": "XS",
        "option_value_id": 68
        "label": "S",
        "sort_order": 1,
        "value": "S",
        "option_value_id": 69
        "label": "M",
        "sort_order": 2,
        "value": "M",
        "option_value_id": 70
        "label": "L",
        "sort_order": 3,
        "value": "L",
        "option_value_id": 71
        "label": "XL",
        "sort_order": 4,
        "value": "XL",
        "option_value_id": 72
    "id": 44,
    "option_id": 3,
    "option_set_id": 14,
    "display_name": "Color",
    "sort_order": 1,
    "is_required": true,
    "option": {
      "url": "",
      "resource": "/options/3"
    "values": [
        "label": "Silver",
        "sort_order": 1,
        "value": "#cccccc",
        "option_value_id": 7
        "label": "Black",
        "sort_order": 2,
        "value": "#000000",
        "option_value_id": 8
        "label": "Purple",
        "sort_order": 3,
        "value": "#700170",
        "option_value_id": 9

Get an Option Set Option

Gets an option set option.

GET /stores/{store_hash}/v2/option_sets/{option_set_id}/options/{id}


Example JSON returned in the response:

  "id": 4,
  "option_id": 5,
  "option_set_id": 2,
  "display_name": "Clock Speeds (CPU)",
  "sort_order": 0,
  "is_required": true,
  "option": {
    "url": "",
    "resource": "/options/5"

Create an Option Set Option

Creates a new option associated with an option set.

POST /stores/{store_hash}/v2/option_sets/{option_set_id}/options

Read-only Properties

The following properties of the option set option are read-only. If one or more of these properties are included in the request, it will be rejected.

  • id
  • option_set_id
  • values
  • option


The following properties of the option set option are required. The request won’t be fulfilled unless these properties are valid.

  • option_id


Example request object:

  "option_id": 10,
  "display_name": "Choose a color",
  "sort_order": 1,
  "is_required": true


Example JSON returned in the response:

  "id": 2,
  "option_id": 10,
  "option_set_id": 1,
  "display_name": "Choose a color",
  "sort_order": 1,
  "is_required": true,
  "option": {
    "url": "",
    "resource": "/options/10"

Update an Option Set Option

Updates an existing option set option.

PUT /stores/{store_hash}/v2/option_sets/{option_set_id}/options/{id}

Read-only Properties

The following properties of the option set option are read-only. If one or more of these properties are included in the request, it will be rejected.

  • id
  • option_id
  • option_set_id
  • values
  • option


The following properties of the option set option are required. The request won’t be fulfilled unless these properties are valid.


Example request object:

  "display_name": "Pick a color...",
  "sort_order": 2,
  "is_required": false


Example JSON returned in the response:

  "id": 2,
  "option_id": 10,
  "option_set_id": 2,
  "display_name": "Pick a color...",
  "sort_order": 2,
  "is_required": false,
  "option": {
    "url": "",
    "resource": "/options/10"

Delete an Option Set Option

Deletes an option belonging to an option set.

DELETE /stores/{store_hash}/v2/option_sets/{option_set_id}/options/{id}

Delete Multiple Option Set Options

Deletes multiple options associated with an option set.

DELETE /stores/{store_hash}/v2/option_sets/{option_set_id}/options


Parameters can be added to the URL query string to paginate the collection. The maximum limit is 250. If a limit isn’t provided, up to 50 option_set_options are returned by default.

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