403 Layout
Shown when a customer does not have the permissions necessary to view a particular category, product or web page.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_Contact%% |
404 Layout
Shown when a customer accesses an invalid URL (such as an old removed product) or there is a typo in the URL they’re viewing.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Account Addressbook Layout
A list of shipping addresses (found under the My Account > Address Book menu) that the customer currently has as well as edit/remove links.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.ChooseShippingAddress%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Account Downloaditem Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountDownloadItemsBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.AccountDownloadItems%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_DownloadTitle%% |
Account Inbox Layout
The list of order messages the customer has associated with any of their past orders and the “new order message” form for submitting a new order message.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountInbox%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Account New Return Layout
The new return request/submission page.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountNewReturnBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.AccountNewReturnProducts%% | |
%%Panel.AccountNewReturnInfo%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% |
Account Order Layout
Shown when a customer is viewing the details of a past order they’ve placed on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountOrder%% | |
%%Panel.AccountOrderLinks%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Account Orders Layout
A list of previously completed orders placed on the store by the customer.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountOrders%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Account Orderstatus Layout
A list of currently pending orders placed on the store by the customer.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountOrderStatus%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Account Recentitems Layout
A list of products recently viewed on the store by the customer.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountRecentItems%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Account Returns Layout
A list of previously submitted returns requests by the customer.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountReturns%% | |
%%Panel.AccountReturns%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Account Saved Return Layout
Shown after a customer successfully submits a new returns request on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideReturnInstructions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReturnInstructions%% |
Account Layout
The “My Account” welcome page with an explanation on each of the sections available for the customer.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountStoreCredit%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideMessagesMenu%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReturnRequestsMenu%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideWishlist%% |
Createaccount Layout
The account creation/signup form where customers can create an account on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.CreateAccountBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.CreateAccountForm%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Createaccount Thanks Layout
A thank you page shown after the customer has successfully registered an account on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_Continue%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContinueLink%% |
Editaccount Layout
Shown in the “My Account” section of the store when a customer chooses to edit their account.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.EditAccountBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.EditAccountForm%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Bottom Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Brands Layout
A list of products in a particular brand, or if no brand is specified, a list of brands configured in the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.BrandBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.BrandContent%% | |
%%Panel.SideBrandTagCloud%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrandFull%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Cart Layout
The “View Cart” page showing the contents of the current customers cart.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.CartBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.CartHeader%% | |
%%Panel.CartStatusMessage%% | |
%%Panel.CartContent%% | |
%%Panel.SuggestiveCartContent%% | |
%%Panel.SideCouponCodeBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideGiftCertificateCodeBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideProductRecentlyViewed%% | |
%%Panel.SideTopSellers%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% |
Category Layout
A list of products or sub categories that exist within a particular category.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryShopByPrice%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideLiveChatServices%% | |
%%Panel.CategoryBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.CategoryHeading%% | |
%%Panel.CategoryPagingTop%% | |
%%Panel.CategoryContent%% | |
%%Panel.CategoryPagingBottom%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryTopSellers%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryPopularProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ExtraCategoryClass%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRightColumn%% |
Checkout Address Layout
The billing/shipping address form shown as the second step of the checkout process.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.ChooseBillingAddress%% | |
%%Panel.ChooseShippingAddress%% | |
%%Panel.CheckoutNewAddressForm%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% |
Checkout Confirm Layout
The order confirmation page (last page of the multi-page checkout) showing a summary of the order.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.ConfirmOrder%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% |
Checkout Express Layout
The express single-page checkout.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_LoginMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CollapsedStepClassBillingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutStepBillingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CollapsedStepClassShippingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutHideShippingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutStepShippingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CollapsedStepClassShippingProvider%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutHideShippingProviders%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutStepShippingProvider%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CollapsedStepClassConfirmation%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutStepConfirmation%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CollapsedStepClassPaymentDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutHidePaymentDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutStepPaymentDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomCheckoutFormNewAccount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomCheckoutFormBillingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomCheckoutFormShippingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutSignedIn%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutDigitalOrder%% | |
%%GLOBAL_GoToStep%% | |
%%GLOBAL_FormFieldRequiredJS%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CollapsedStepClassAccountDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutHideAccountDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ExpressCheckoutStepAccountDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideGuestCheckoutOptions%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideRegisteredCheckoutOptions%% | |
Checkout Payment Layout
The payment details collection form shown in the multi-page checkout. This page will be shown if the selected payment method has an additional form (such as one for requesting credit card details)
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_PaymentFormContent%% |
Checkout Shipper Layout
The shipping provider selection page shown for the multi-page checkout.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.ChooseShippingProvider%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% |
Checkout Layout
The first page of the standard multi-page checkout shown for guests asking them to either login, create an account or checkout as a guest.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideCheckoutGuest%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCheckoutRegistrationRequired%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideLoginMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_MessageClass%% | |
%%GLOBAL_LoginMessage%% |
Compare Layout
Shown when a customer chooses to compare one or more products with each other.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.CompareBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.CompareContent%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Default Layout
The default index page of the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SidePopularVendors%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideLiveChatServices%% | |
%%Panel.HomeFeaturedProducts%% | |
%%Panel.HomeNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.HomeRecentBlogs%% | |
%%Panel.SideCartContents%% | |
%%Panel.SideTopSellers%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SidePopularProducts%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Error Layout
A generic page that can be shown whenever there is an error message on the store and no additional content on the page needs to be shown.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorDetails%% |
Giftcertificates Balance Layout
Allows customers to check the remaining balance (and shows the remaining balance) of a gift certificate.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.GiftCertificatesMenu%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.GiftCertificateBalanceRemaining%% | |
%%Panel.CheckGiftCertificateBalance%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Giftcertificates Redeem Layout
The page shown containing instructions on how to redeem a gift certificate during the checkout process.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.GiftCertificatesMenu%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.RedeemGiftCertificate%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Giftcertificates Layout
Shown when a customer clicks the “Gift Certificates” link on the top menu of the store. Displays how to purchase/use a gift certificate.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.GiftCertificatesMenu%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.PurchaseGiftCertificate%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Ideal Layout
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideIdealError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_IdealErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_IdealPaymentForm%% |
Invoice Print Layout
A printable invoice for an order that a customer can print from the front end of the store.
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_PrintableInvoiceScript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PrintInvoiceStylesheetPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PrintableInvoiceList%% |
Login Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.LoginBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.LoginForm%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Maintenance Layout
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_MessageText%% |
Message Layout
Shown when a page simply needs to show a particular message to the user.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_MessageTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_MessageText%% |
News Layout
The page that shows an individual news item on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.NewsBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.NewsContent%% | |
%%Panel.NewsComments%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Newsletter Subscribe Layout
The thank you page shown after a visitor subscribes to the store newsletter.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SidePopularProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.NewsletterBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.NewsletterContent%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Order Layout
The “Thank you for your order” page shown after an order is successfully placed on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideTopSellers%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CustomerName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePaidOrderConfirmation%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePhysicalOrderConfirmation%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PhysicalOrderConfirmation%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideDigitalOrderConfirmation%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DigitalOrderConfirmation%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideDigitalOrderDownloadLink%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAwaitingPayment%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideSuccess%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderConfirmationDetails%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ContinueShoppingOnStoreName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ConversionCode%% |
Packing Slip Print Layout
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_BillingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomerEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideBillingPhone%% | |
%%GLOBAL_BillingPhone%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingAddress%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShippingPhone%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingPhone%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HeaderLogo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderDate%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShippingMethod%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ShippingMethod%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideShippingDate%% | |
%%GLOBAL_DateShipped%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideTrackingNo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_TrackingNo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductsTable%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideComments%% | |
%%GLOBAL_Comments%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PackingSlipTitle%% |
Page Layout
The layout file shown when viewing a web page created on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideSubPageList%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SidePopularVendors%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideLiveChatServices%% | |
%%Panel.PageBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.PageContent%% | |
%%Panel.PageComments%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Forgotpassword Layout
The page shown when a customer clicks the “Forgot your password?” link on the login page. Used to reset their account password.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.ForgotPasswordBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.ForgotPasswordForm%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Getnewpassword Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.GetNewPasswordBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.GetNewPasswordForm%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Authorizenet Layout
The Authorize.net payment module form. This form is included on both the multistep and express checkout pages.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.AuthorizeNetPaymentJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_AuthorizeNetName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AuthorizeNetNum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AuthorizeNetMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AuthorizeNetYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AuthorizeNetHideCVV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AuthorizeNetHideCVV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AuthorizeNetCCV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideAuthorizeNetError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AuthorizeNetErrorMessage%% |
Ccmanual Layout
The credit card (manual) payment method credit card details form.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.CCManualPaymentJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CCName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCTypes%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCNum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCIssueNo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCCManualError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCIssueDateMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCIssueDateYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderAmount%% |
Eselectplusdp Layout
The payment details collection form for the eSelect DirectPost payment module.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.eSelectPlusDPPaymentJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPNum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPCCV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPCardHolderName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPBillStNum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPBillStName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPBillZip%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideeSelectPlusDPError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_eSelectPlusDPErrorMessage%% |
Eway Layout
Shown when a customer chooses to pay via eWay when making a purchase on the store.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.EWayPaymentJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_EWayName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_EWayMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_EWayYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_EWayHideCardCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_EWayHideCardCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_EWayCardCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideEWayError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_EWayErrorMessage%% |
Genericcreditcard Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.GenericCreditCardPaymentJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideCreditCardError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CCTypes%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardNum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardIssueNo%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardIssueDateMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardIssueDateYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCreditCardError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardHideCardCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardHideCardCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardCardCode%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardErrorMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AdditionalPaymentPageContents%% |
NMI Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.NMIPaymentJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_NMIName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NMINum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NMIMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NMIYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NMIHideCVV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NMIHideCVV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideNMIError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NMIErrorMessage%% |
PayflowPro Layout
The payment details (credit card entry) form shown when a customer chooses to pay via PayPal PayFlow Pro.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.PayflowProPaymentJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_PayflowProName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PayflowProNum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PayflowProMonths%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PayflowProYears%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PayflowProHideCVV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PayflowProHideCVV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PayflowProCCV2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HidePayflowProError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_PayflowProErrorMessage%% |
Valuteccard Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.ValutecCardPaymentJavaScript%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideCreditCardError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardNum%% | |
%%GLOBAL_OrderAmount%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideCreditCardError%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CreditCardErrorMessage%% |
Product Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideLiveChatServices%% | |
%%Panel.ProductBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.ProductDetails%% | |
%%Panel.ProductTabs%% | |
%%Panel.ProductDescription%% | |
%%Panel.ProductVideos%% | |
%%Panel.ProductWarranty%% | |
%%Panel.ProductOtherDetails%% | |
%%Panel.SimilarProductsByTag%% | |
%%Panel.ProductByCategory%% | |
%%Panel.ProductVendorsOtherProducts%% | |
%%Panel.ProductReviews%% | |
%%Panel.SimilarProductsByCustomerViews%% | |
%%Panel.SideCurrencySelector%% | |
%%Panel.SideProductAddToWishList%% | |
%%Panel.SideProductRelated%% | |
%%Panel.SideProductRecentlyViewed%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% |
Product Comments Layout
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideSectionSeparator%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_throttleToken%% | |
%%GLOBAL_SiteColor%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReviewRating5%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReviewRating4%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReviewRating3%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReviewRating2%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReviewRating1%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RevTitle%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RevText%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReviewEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomerEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReviewEmail%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CustomerName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReviewCaptcha%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReviewCaptcha%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductReviewFlashMessages%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReCaptchaAPIKeyPublic%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ReCaptchaAPIKeyPublic%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideNoReviewsMessage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_NoReviews%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductReviewPaging%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductReviewList%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductReviewPaging%% | |
%%GLOBAL_HideReviewCaptcha%% | |
%%GLOBAL_AutoShowReviewForm%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JumpToReviews%% |
Product Video Layout
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_VideoId%% | |
%%GLOBAL_VideoId%% |
Productimage Layout
The popup window used to display product images.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.ProductImagePopup%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_CurrentImageIndex%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductMaxImageHeight%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductMaxImageWidth%% | |
%%GLOBAL_VariationImage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_RuleImage%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProdImageJavascript%% | |
%%GLOBAL_popupCssPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_jQueryPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_ProductName%% | |
%%GLOBAL_CdnAppPath%% | |
%%GLOBAL_JSCacheToken%% |
Search Layout
The page that either shows the form to search for products or product search results if a search is currently being performed.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SearchPageHeader%% | |
%%Panel.SearchPage%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Search Tips Layout
The page that shows tips and tricks for using the product search.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SearchTips%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Shippingaddressform Layout
Shown when a customer wishes to edit a shipping/billing address in their address book from the “My Account” section.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.AccountBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.ShippingAddressForm%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Sitemap Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SitemapBreadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.SitemapContent%% | |
%%Panel.SideBrandTagCloud%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrandFull%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Tags Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.SideLiveChatServices%% | |
%%Panel.Breadcrumb%% | |
%%Panel.ProductTagCloud%% | |
%%Panel.TagProducts%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Top Layout
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideShopByBrand%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% |
Unsubscribe Layout
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_UnsubscribeTitle%% |
Wishlist Layout
The page shown when any action related to wishlists (adding items, managing wishlists etc) is shown.
Available Panels
Name | Description |
%%Panel.HTMLHead%% | |
%%Panel.Header%% | |
%%Panel.WrapperBanner%% | |
%%Panel.SideCategoryList%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewProducts%% | |
%%Panel.SideNewsletterBox%% | |
%%Panel.WishListItems%% | |
%%Panel.WishLists%% | |
%%Panel.WishListAddForm%% | |
%%Panel.SideAccountMenu%% | |
%%Panel.SidePopularProducts%% | |
%%Panel.Footer%% |
Available Variables
Name | Description |
%%GLOBAL_HideRightMenu%% |