Store operations
MSF International Enhancements

Shipping - International Enhancements for Multi-Storefront

When you sell internationally or to multiple customer segments, you may want the available shipping methods for a shipping zone to depend on the shopper's region or segment.

To localize your storefront, you can have zones that display different methods depending on the storefront channel. When you create a method for a zone, specify which storefront channel(s) you want a shipping method to appear. Shoppers will only see the shipping method for the zone if it applies to a channel.


You can't assign the following to a specific channel:

We don't support multiple accounts of the same carrier (e.g., using distinct accounts for UPS).


Shipping methods have a channels setting. This setting determines which channels can display the shipping zone's method. Shipping methods are available on all channels by default.

For reference, see the Shipping method endpoint of the REST Management API.


The following example creates a shipping method in a zone by sending a request to the Create a shipping method endpoint.

Example request: Create a shipping method for a zone
X-Auth-Token: {{ACCESS_TOKEN}}
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
  "name": "Per Order",
  "type": "perorder",
  "settings": {
    "rate": 8
  "enabled": true,
  "handling_fees": {
    "fixed_surcharge": "3"
  "channels": [1, 3]

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