Store operations
Customer segmentation
Definitions & relationships

Definitions and Logical Relationships

Exclusive enterprise feature

The Customer Segmentation API is available to enterprise customers. If you would like to become an enterprise customer, please contact your BigCommerce Customer Service Manager or our support team.


An entity that classifies shoppers into groups or buckets, referred to as segments.

Manual segment

A collection of shoppers that a merchant or application has grouped together using the API. Manual segments are not a distinct entity in our API; they are a subset of segments.

Shopper profile

An entity that represents a registered customer. Current plans for future releases include supporting shopper profiles for guest customers.


An existing entity that represents a shopper who is registered with the store. In the Customer Segmentation API documentation, assume that customers are signed in to the subject storefront. For more on the customer entity, see the public Customers API reference.


A shopper who is not signed in to the subject storefront.

A guest may or may not be a registered customer, but because they are not signed in, your application doesn't know their registration status.


A way to give discounts based on whether the shopper meets specific criteria, such as ordering a certain amount, purchasing certain brands, being a repeat customer, or being associated with a shopper profile that belongs to a segment.

For more on using promotions with segments, see Targeting a segment with a promotion. For more on the promotion entity, see the Promotions documentation.

Summary of entity relationships


  • Segments and shopper profiles
  • Segments and promotions


  • Shopper profiles and customers

Other entity relationships

Relationships that don't currently involve the Customer Segmentation API:

  • Many-to-many: guests and promotions

Relationships that don't yet exist:

  • Shopper profiles and guests



Customer Segmentation reference

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