Payment Methods (Deprecated)
The Payments API processes payments using payment instruments such as credit cards or PayPal accounts. To learn more about Payments, see the Payments Overview.
This endpoint is deprecated. Use Get accepted payment methods instead.
The V3 version of this endpoint contains more information about the payment methods each payment gateway accepts. The additional information enables your application and BigCommerce to make the most likely-to-succeed payment request to the gateway, without using extra middleware or making preparatory API calls to the gateway on your end prior to running the payment. Use Get accepted payment methods for a leaner, more optimized application.
To learn more about authenticating Payments endpoints, locate the Authentication section at the top of each endpoint, then click Show Details.
Payments endpoints
Get All Payment Methods
- X-Auth-Token in header
- store_hash in path - string
- Accept in header with default of application/json - stringrequiredThe MIME type of the response body.
- page in query - integerRequest a specific page of results. The value of the limit query parameter determines the number of responses per page.
- limit in query - integerSet the number of responses per page.
Unique platform-wide code identifying the payment method.Example: squarev2namestring
Descriptive name of the payment method.Example: Squaretest_modeboolean
Determines whether the payment gateway is in test mode. Always false for offline payment methods.
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