Forms & FAQ

Forms & FAQs

Useful forms and frequently asked questions!

✅ Forms

These forms will be referenced throughout the Hackathon.

👉 Midway Survey (opens in a new tab) – Please do not submit this form until after Thursday, August 9th. As we plan to use this as a retro tool to help our team improve the planning, onboarding and initial week of Hackathons moving forward.

👉 Submission Form (opens in a new tab) – This form is to be completed at closeout! This is where you’ll submit your projects to our judging team for review!

👉 Anonymous Survey (opens in a new tab) – This anonymous survey is open for you to use at any time! We prefer it to be after you submit your project to our team, so we can get an overview of your experience in total.

🙋‍♀️ FAQs

💥 Are BigCommerce or Google planning to take ownership over what is built during the hackathon?

No. The point of this hackathon is not to turn our community into an app factory, but rather to inspire creativity and have some fun! Simply: your ideas are yours, whatever you build is yours.

💥 Can my submission repo or video be private?

Your Github repository and video can be private, as long as our team has access.

💥 What are the submission guidelines?

Repo's initiation date can be no earlier than August 7th. Your submission repo + your 3-5 minute "Happy Path Demo" must be shared with judges on GitHub no later than 11:59pm CST August 16th.

💥 When does the hackathon start & when are submissions due?

The event is scheduled to start Monday, August 7th, 2023 at 10am CST and submissions are due 10 days later on Wednesday, August 16th, 2023 by 11:59pm CST.

💥 Can BigCommerce employees participate in this hackathon?

BigCommerce employees are not able to participate or compete with this event, as they're not eligible for our public prizes. However, you may see BigCommerce employees in the Community channel who are hacking on AI projects of their own, internally, during this 10 day time span!

💥 What if I'm unable to attend the speaking sessions live?

All of our live sessions will be recorded and shared to the BigCommerceDevs Youtube channel. So be sure to follow us and set your notifications to alert you when new videos are uploaded.

💥 Are there prizes?

YES! All registered hackers that submit projects are eligible for prizes & swag. We'll be distributing swag to all submitting teams as well as cash, gifts and more to winners & honorable mentions. Stay tuned for more details on this as we collect more and more goodies to bring to the prize pot! Our judging team will review submissions and we will announce winners within 1 week from the close date and process prize winnings within 2 weeks from the event close out.

Note, BigCommerce employees that will be participating in our internal parallel-hackathon are NOT eligible for public prizes. Internal hackers will be hacking at the same time as you all and be in the same Community channel, but are building for different goals.

💥 Does my solution have to be a BigCommerce App for the App Marketplace?

Although that is something we are always excited to see and can bring in additional income to your Agency or your business -- It's not a requirement for your solution to be a BigCommerce App for the App Marketplace. We also invite disruptors to build non-app solutions that specifically enhance the BigCommerce merchant and/or shopper experience! Please note that if you're building an app, we will be looking for use of BigCommerce App Extensions.

💥 Are BigCommerce or Google planning to take ownership over what is built during the hackathon?

No. The point of this hackathon is not to turn our Community into an app factory, but rather to inspire creativity and have some fun! Simply: your ideas are yours, whatever you build is yours.

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