ID of the desired shipping_address associated with the shipment.
Example: 20
Creation date for the shipment.
Tracking number of the shipment.
Example: w4se4b6ASFEW4T
Shipping cost for the merchant.
Example: 1.0000
Additional information to describe the method of shipment (ex. Standard, Ship by Weight, Custom Shipment). Can be used for live quotes from certain shipping providers.
If different from shipping_provider, shipping_method should correspond to tracking_carrier.
Tracking carrier for the shipment.
Acceptable values for tracking_carrier include an empty string ("") or one of the valid tracking-carrier values.
The custom tracking link supplied on POST or PUT shipments. For the link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link, see the generated_tracking_link property.
Comments the shipper wishes to add.
<= 65535 characters
Shipping Address properties common to all requests and responses.
The items in the shipment. This object has the following members, all integer: order_product_id (required), quantity (required), product_id (read-only). A sample items value might be: [ {"order_product_id":16,"product_id": 0,"quantity":2} ]
The human-readable name for the shipping_provider.
The link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link that is generated using the combination of either the tracking_number and shipping_provider or tracking_number and tracking_carrier. This will be empty if the custom tracking_link value is provided.
There are three methods for generating a tracking link for a shipment:
Use shipping_provider and tracking_number: This generates a link to one of our integrated providers that you can click from the BigCommerce control panel and customer-facing emails. If a merchant still needs to set up a shipping provider or if the provider is not one of our natively integrated providers, you will click on an Aftership tracking link instead. The generated_tracking_link property in the API response represents one of these tracking links. The tracking_link property in the API response will remain empty.
Use tracking_carrier and tracking_number: This also creates a link to one of our integrated providers or an Aftership tracking link that you can click in both the BigCommerce control panel and customer-facing emails. Like the previous method, the generated_tracking_link property in the API response represents this tracking link. The tracking_link property in the API response will remain empty.
Supply a custom tracking_link: By providing a value for the tracking_link property, you can use your own tracking link within the BigCommerce control panel and in customer-facing emails. The API response will return your supplied tracking link as part of the tracking_link property in the response. In situations when there isn't a generated_tracking_link, the property in the API response will remain empty.
Acceptable values for shipping_provider include the following, and this list may be updated at any time:
ID of the desired shipping_address associated with the shipment.
Example: 20
Tracking number of the shipment.
<= 50 characters
Example: w4se4b6ASFEW4T
The custom tracking link supplied on POST or PUT shipments. For the link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link see the generated_tracking_link property.
Additional information to describe the method of shipment (ex. Standard, Ship by Weight, Custom Shipment). Can be used for live quotes from certain shipping providers.
If different from shipping_provider, shipping_method should correspond to tracking_carrier.
Example: Ship by Weight
Any of:Standard Shipping ProviderCustom Shipping Provider
Tracking carrier for the shipment.
Acceptable values for tracking_carrier include an empty string ("") or one of the valid tracking-carrier values.
Comments the shipper wishes to add.
<= 65535 characters
The items in the shipment. This object has the following members, all integer: order_product_id (required), quantity (required), product_id (read-only). A sample items value might be: [ {"order_product_id":16,"product_id": 0,"quantity":2} ]
object | application/json
Shipment ID.
Example: 1
ID of the order associated with this shipment.
Example: 120
ID of this order’s customer.
Example: 5
ID of the desired shipping_address associated with the shipment.
Example: 20
Creation date for the shipment.
Tracking number of the shipment.
Example: w4se4b6ASFEW4T
Shipping cost for the merchant.
Example: 1.0000
Additional information to describe the method of shipment (ex. Standard, Ship by Weight, Custom Shipment). Can be used for live quotes from certain shipping providers.
If different from shipping_provider, shipping_method should correspond to tracking_carrier.
Example: Ship by Weight
Any of:Standard Shipping ProviderCustom Shipping Provider
Tracking carrier for the shipment.
Acceptable values for tracking_carrier include an empty string ("") or one of the valid tracking-carrier values.
The custom tracking link supplied on POST or PUT shipments. For the link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link, see the generated_tracking_link property.
Comments the shipper wishes to add.
<= 65535 characters
Shipping Address properties common to all requests and responses.
The items in the shipment. This object has the following members, all integer: order_product_id (required), quantity (required), product_id (read-only). A sample items value might be: [ {"order_product_id":16,"product_id": 0,"quantity":2} ]
The human-readable name for the shipping_provider.
The link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link that is generated using the combination of either the tracking_number and shipping_provider or tracking_number and tracking_carrier. This will be empty if the custom tracking_link value is provided.
ID of the desired shipping_address associated with the shipment.
Example: 20
Creation date for the shipment.
Tracking number of the shipment.
Example: w4se4b6ASFEW4T
Shipping cost for the merchant.
Example: 1.0000
Additional information to describe the method of shipment (ex. Standard, Ship by Weight, Custom Shipment). Can be used for live quotes from certain shipping providers.
If different from shipping_provider, shipping_method should correspond to tracking_carrier.
Example: Ship by Weight
Any of:Standard Shipping ProviderCustom Shipping Provider
Tracking carrier for the shipment.
Acceptable values for tracking_carrier include an empty string ("") or one of the valid tracking-carrier values.
The custom tracking link supplied on POST or PUT shipments. For the link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link, see the generated_tracking_link property.
Comments the shipper wishes to add.
<= 65535 characters
Shipping Address properties common to all requests and responses.
The items in the shipment. This object has the following members, all integer: order_product_id (required), quantity (required), product_id (read-only). A sample items value might be: [ {"order_product_id":16,"product_id": 0,"quantity":2} ]
The human-readable name for the shipping_provider.
The link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link that is generated using the combination of either the tracking_number and shipping_provider or tracking_number and tracking_carrier. This will be empty if the custom tracking_link value is provided.
ID of the desired shipping_address associated with the shipment.
Example: 20
Tracking number of the shipment.
Example: w4se4b6ASFEW4T
Shipping cost for the merchant.
Example: 1.0000
Additional information to describe the method of shipment (ex. Standard, Ship by Weight, Custom Shipment). Can be used for live quotes from certain shipping providers.
If different from shipping_provider, shipping_method should correspond to tracking_carrier.
Example: Ship by Weight
Any of:Standard Shipping ProviderCustom Shipping Provider
Tracking carrier for the shipment.
Acceptable values for tracking_carrier include an empty string ("") or one of the valid tracking-carrier values.
The custom tracking link supplied on POST or PUT shipments. For the link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link see the generated_tracking_link property.
ID of the desired shipping_address associated with the shipment.
Example: 20
Creation date for the shipment.
Tracking number of the shipment.
Example: w4se4b6ASFEW4T
Shipping cost for the merchant.
Example: 1.0000
Additional information to describe the method of shipment (ex. Standard, Ship by Weight, Custom Shipment). Can be used for live quotes from certain shipping providers.
If different from shipping_provider, shipping_method should correspond to tracking_carrier.
Example: Ship by Weight
Any of:Standard Shipping ProviderCustom Shipping Provider
Tracking carrier for the shipment.
Acceptable values for tracking_carrier include an empty string ("") or one of the valid tracking-carrier values.
The custom tracking link supplied on POST or PUT shipments. For the link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link, see the generated_tracking_link property.
Comments the shipper wishes to add.
<= 65535 characters
Shipping Address properties common to all requests and responses.
The items in the shipment. This object has the following members, all integer: order_product_id (required), quantity (required), product_id (read-only). A sample items value might be: [ {"order_product_id":16,"product_id": 0,"quantity":2} ]
The human-readable name for the shipping_provider.
The link to one of our integrated providers or Aftership tracking link that is generated using the combination of either the tracking_number and shipping_provider or tracking_number and tracking_carrier. This will be empty if the custom tracking_link value is provided.