Accept in header with default of application/json - string
Content-Type in header with default of application/json - string
page in query - integer
Page number (page will be ignored if you provide before or after in the request). For example page=1.
limit in query - number
Items count per page. limit=50
customer_id in query - integer
Filter by the customer ID.
address_id in query - integer
Filter by the ID of the customer address.
field_name in query - string
Filter by the field name.
field_type in query - string
Filter by the field type.
checkboxes field
date field
multiline text field
numbers only field
password field
radio buttons field
text field
pick list field
Allowed: checkboxes | date | multiline | numbers | password | radiobuttons | text | picklist
after in query - string
The cursor reference of the last entry for the previous page. Use the end_cursor value from the last response to get the next page (end_cursor is only returned on the first page or when the request contains query parameter before or after). For example after=eyJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOjM4LCJmaWVsZElkIjo0MH0.
before in query - string
The cursor reference of the first entry for the next page. Use the start_cursor value from the last response to get the previous page (start_cursor is only returned on the first page or when the request contains query parameter before or after). For example before=eyJzZXNzaW9uSWQiOjgsImZpZWxkSWQiOjMxfQ.
Data about the response, including pagination and collection totals. Both pagination and cursor_pagination would be returned in the first page. Only pagination would be returned when page is greater than 1. Only cursor_pagination would be returned when before or after is provided in the request.