Management API


BigCommerce's V3 REST Inventory API endpoints expose location-aware, item-level inventory data to API consumers. These API resources allow developers to create BigCommerce apps and in-house API-driven solutions that can do the following:

  • Track inventory across multiple locations
  • Display location-level inventory to shoppers
  • Provide multi-location fulfillment options
  • Facilitate Buy Online Pickup in Store (BOPIS)
  • Manage order fulfillment post-checkout


All product variants whose inventories are tracked by variant are inventory items. You can reference these inventory items using a variant's variant_id or sku. If a product has no variants, use product_id.

  • Inventory Settings: You can apply and get inventory settings for the inventory at a specific location or at all locations. You can update inventory settings for a specific location.
  • Inventory Quantities: You can get inventory levels at all locations or specific locations. You can update inventory levels at a specific location using relative or absolute adjustment endpoints.


There are two ways to adjust an item's inventory:

  • Absolute: Override existing inventory with a new count (Ex: set current inventory to 30). Use absolute adjustments as the default method for updating inventory. Absolute adjustments are batched, making them more resource friendly than the Catalog API. Absolute adjustments have lower complexity than relative adjustments, which synchronize with orders.
  • Relative Adjustments: Change to item's inventory relative to existing inventory (Ex: add 10 current inventory). Use relative adjustments only when you do not know absolute quantities. For example, making order-related inventory changes through a third-party may require relative adjustments. Otherwise, use absolute adjustments for updating inventory.
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