

The StatefulTree component is used to display a tree of items. Useful for defining a tree of categories or subcollections.

When to use:

  • To display a tree of items
  • Creating or assigning items to a specific category/sub-category
  • To organize items through structure hierarchy


  • Category (1)
    • Category (1)
  • Category

Edit the code below to see your changes live!

function Example() {
  const nodes = [
      id: '0',
      value: 0,
      label: 'Category',
      children: [
          id: '5',
          value: 5,
          label: 'Category',
          children: [{ id: '9', value: 9, label: 'Category' }],
      id: '1',
      value: 1,
      label: 'Category',
      children: [{ id: '6', value: 6, label: 'Category' }],
    { id: '2', value: 2, label: 'Category' },
      id: '3',
      value: 3,
      label: 'Category',
      children: [{ id: '7', value: 7, label: 'Category' }],
      id: '4',
      value: 4,
      label: 'Category',
      children: [{ id: '8', value: 8, label: 'Category' }],

  return (
      defaultExpanded={['0', '5', '1']}
      defaultSelected={['9', '3', '7']}


Do's and Don'ts

Display collapsable side navigation if sub-categories exist.
Use an icon next to categories, regardless of heirarchy.
Use checkboxes when multiple items can be selected vs. radio buttons for either/or.
Selected sub-categories should always be shown numerically next to the parent catergories, both in collapsed or expanded states.
Make sure radio buttons and checkboxes are used correctly within BigDesign Guidelines. Checkboxes are additive, radio buttons are either/or.
Don’t use to display a list of items.