is used to divide a long list or table into several pages, indicating other pages exist and allowing the user to access them. This makes the content easier to read and ensures faster loading time. The user can easily navigate through the pages in order. The user can also select the number of results they want to see on each page, giving them more control over the way they view the data.
When to use:
- On tables that contain more than 25 number of rows of data/content.
- When the data/content uses a cursor-based form of pagination or if you wish to add custom logic around pagination.
- Item1
- Item2
Edit the code below to see your changes live!
function ExampleList() { const [items] = useState(['Item1', 'Item2', 'Item3', 'Item 4', 'Item 5']); const [ranges] = useState([2, 3, 4]); const [range, setRange] = useState(ranges[0]); const [page, setPage] = useState(1); const [currentItems, setCurrentItems] = useState(['']); const onItemsPerPageChange = (newRange) => { setPage(1); setRange(newRange); }; useEffect(() => { const maxItems = page * range; const lastItem = Math.min(maxItems, items.length); const firstItem = Math.max(0, maxItems - range); setCurrentItems(items.slice(firstItem, lastItem)); }, [page, items, range]); const notFirstPage = page !== 1; const notLastPage = page < items.length / range; return ( <> <StatelessPagination itemsPerPage={range} itemsPerPageOptions={ranges} onItemsPerPageChange={onItemsPerPageChange} onNext={notLastPage ? () => setPage((current) => current + 1) : undefined} onPrevious={notFirstPage ? () => setPage((current) => current - 1) : undefined} /> <ul> { => ( <li key={item}>{item}</li> ))} </ul> </> ); }
Prop name | Type | Default | Description |
itemsPerPage * | number |
| Indicates how many items are displayed per page. |
itemsPerPageOptions * | number[] |
| Indicates options for per-page ranges. |
onItemsPerPageChange * | (range: number) => void |
| Function that will be called when a new per-page range is selected. |
onNext | () => void | undefined | Function that will be called when the "next" navigation arrow is clicked. Disables the arrow if not provided. |
onPrevious | () => void | undefined | Function that will be called when the "previous" navigation arrow is clicked. Disables the arrow if not provided. |
localization | { previousPage: string, nextPage: string, label: string, rangeLabel: string } |
| Overrides the labels with localized text. |
Props ending with * are required
Margin Props
Do's and Don'ts
Do |
Place StatelessPagination directly above the header of the table that it controls, right aligned. |
Disable dropdown options greater than the option that will show the total number of results (e.g., if there are 42 results, the highest option should be 50). |
Dropdown increments should be multiples of 10 and in increments that make sense for the context. |
Don't |
Don’t place StatelessPagination below a table. |
Don’t show dropdown arrow when there are less than 10 items. |