

Header is a layout component that provides a standard structure for page titles, descriptions, icons, badges, and actions.

When to use:

  • To display a title and related actions at the top of a page.
  • To provide context and quick actions for users.


To use Header import the component from the package:

Code example

import { Header } from '@bigcommerce/big-design-patterns';

Page Title


This is a description of the page content.

Edit the code below to see your changes live!

      text: 'Main',
      variant: 'primary',
      iconLeft: <AddIcon />,
      items: [
        { content: 'Option 1', onItemClick: (item) => item },
        { content: 'Option 2', onItemClick: (item) => item },
      toggle: {
        text: 'Secondary',
        variant: 'secondary',
        iconRight: <ArrowDropDownIcon />,
      text: 'Tertiary',
      variant: 'subtle',
    text: 'Back to Dashboard',
    href: '/dashboard',
  badge={{ label: 'New', variant: 'success' }}
  description="This is a description of the page content."
  title="Page Title"


Supports all native <a /> element attributes.

Props ending with * are required

Do's and Don'ts

Use the header to provide a clear overview of the page’s purpose.
Limit the number of actions to three.
Utilize the back link option for easy navigation.
Don’t overload the header with too many actions or content.
Don’t use more than one primary action button.
Avoid unrelated or non-contextual content in the header.