Storefront APIs

Companies and Users


B2B Edition Companies are business accounts used by your clients to access their specific instance of the storefront. The queries and mutations in the Companies Storefront API allow you to:

  • Submit a Business Account application
  • Add users to an existing Company
  • Confirm that a user is assigned to a specific Company account
  • Create a Company address
  • Update a Company address
  • Get a Company’s address book or its default addresses
  • Mark an address as active or inactive


A Company user is a buyer with a BigCommerce customer account (opens in a new tab) associated with a B2B Edition Company account. The Users Storefront API allows you to perform common user management tasks as a B2B buyer, such as viewing and updating user information, adding users to a Company account, and deleting them.

NOTE: When performing storefront user management tasks as a Company user, you must confirm that the user’s Company role has the necessary permissions for the task. See Company Roles and Permissions (opens in a new tab) for a complete list of permissions and their scopes.

Company Users and Customer Accounts

Company user accounts and storefront customer accounts have a one-to-one relationship, and each record acts as the source of truth for specific data. This means that a Company user account overwrites changes made to specific data in its corresponding customer storefront account, and vice versa.

See the following table for the data defined by each record.

BigCommerce customer accountB2B Edition Company user account
- Store credit- Storefront channel access
- Abandoned cart saver and product review email consent- Basic user information like name and email address
- Account password and password reset- Assigned buyer role
- Tax exempt code- Company user extra fields
- Account signup form fields
- Data collection consent

Specifying User Role

The role field uses numeric values to assign a role to a Company user account. B2B Edition’s predefined Company roles correspond the following values:

  • 0 — Admin
  • 1 — Senior Buyer
  • 2 — Junior Buyer

Custom Company roles generate their own role values upon creation. Use the Get Company Roles (opens in a new tab) endpoint in the Server to Serve Management API to retrieve the id values of the store’s custom roles.

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