Server to Server Management APIs

Company Management


A Company in B2B Edition is the business account for B2B clients, which connects buyers in the business within its instance of the Buyer Portal.

BigCommerce customer groups determine the products and pricing that a Company’s buyers see. Assign Company accounts to these groups as needed. Multiple Companies may share the same customer group, or remain unassigned to access the default catalog and pricing. The customerGroupId field maps Companies to customer groups.

NOTE: If your store uses legacy Dependent Companies behavior, each Company account has a one-to-one relationship with a BigCommerce customer group. Once created, you cannot reassign the Company to another customer group; you can only delete it. See Companies and Customer Groups in B2B Edition (Help Center) (opens in a new tab) to learn more about how Independent and Dependent Company behaviors work.

Available Resources

Companies (opens in a new tab)Account details, settings, and attachments for B2B Edition Companies
Company Roles and Permissions (opens in a new tab)User roles and permissions for B2B buyers associated with a Company account
Account Hierarchies (opens in a new tab)Parent-child relationships between companies in a hierarchy

Company Status Codes

The companyStatus object indicates the activity status of a particular Company account in the response body of the following endpoints:

  • Get All Companies (can also be used as a parameter in the query)
  • Get Company Details
  • Update a Company’s Status

This is expressed as a string or integer, with numeric values that correspond to a possible status. See the table below for more information:

ValueCompany StatusDescription
0PendingA buyer has applied for a Company account, but the application has not been processed.
1ApprovedThe Company account is active.
2RejectedThe application has been rejected and the Company account cannot be used.
3InactiveThe Company account does not have any buyers assigned to it.

Company Account Hierarchy

Account Hierarchy functionality establishes parent-child relationships between multiple Company accounts belonging to a single client business. Buyers assigned to Companies on higher layers can access the Buyer Portal for their subsidiaries. This functionality allows you to support clients with complex businesses, such as chain stores, franchises, and global corporations.

Graphic explainer for company account hierarchies

NOTE: This functionality is available upon request for stores using the Buyer Portal experience and Independent Companies behavior. You can request Account Hierarchy by contacting our support team.

Account Hierarchy adds support for the following endpoints:

  • Get Company Subsidiaries — View all accounts in lower layers of Account Hierarchy compared to a particular Company account.
  • Delete Company Subsidiary — Removes the parent-child relationship between a specified subsidiary account and its parent Company.
  • Attach a Company as the Parent of a Current Company — Assigns one Company account to the hierarchy layer directly above another Company.
  • Get Company Hierarchy — View all accounts in the same hierarchical structure as a particular Company.

You can create up to 5 layers of hierarchy for a given organization, and each hierarchy can have a maximum of 500 Companies assigned to it.

Company Roles and Permissions

Buyers in a Company account, or Company users, are assigned a role that determines what they can view and configure within the Buyer Portal. B2B Edition includes predefined Company user roles, but you can also create custom roles with a unique set of permissions.

Additionally, you can use the Company Roles and Permissions API to create custom permissions for more complex role-based access control. Note that custom permissions are not configurable from the B2B Edition control panel.

Permission Codes

When creating or updating Company user roles, you must specify the permissions that are enabled for the role and their scopes. The code field accepts the following default permission code strings, but you can also add the code value for custom permissions.

Permission CodePermission NameDescriptionSupported Permission Levels
get_addressesGet addressesView the Addresses area of the Buyer Portal2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_address_detailGet address detailView the details of specific addresses2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_default_shippingGet default shipping addressSet the default shipping address for the Company2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_default_billingGet default billing addressSet the default billing address for the Company2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
create_addressCreate addressCreate a new Company address2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
update_addressUpdate addressEdit an existing Company address2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
delete_addressDelete addressDelete an existing Company address2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_invoicesGet invoicesView the Invoices area of the Buyer Portal2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_invoice_detailGet invoice detailView the details of specific invoices2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
export_invoicesExport invoicesExport invoices to a CSV file2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_invoice_pdfGet invoice pdfPrint or download invoice PDFs2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_invoice_payments_historyGet invoice payments historyView a log of partial payments on a particular invoice2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
pay_invoicePay invoiceMake a full or partial invoice payment2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_ordersGet ordersView the My orders and Company orders area of the Buyer Portal, depending on the permission level1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_order_detailGet order detailView the details of specific orders1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_quotesGet quotesView the Quotes area of the Buyer Portal1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_quote_detailGet quote detailView the details of specific quotes1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
create_quoteCreate quoteRequest a quote from the Buyer Portal1 (User), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
update_quote_messageUpdate quote messageSubmit a message on an existing quote1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
checkout_with_quoteCheckout with quotePurchase a finalized quote1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_quote_pdfGet quote pdfPrint or download quote PDFs1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_shopping_listsGet shopping listsView the Shopping lists area of the Buyer Portal1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_shopping_list_detailGet shopping list detailView the details of specific Shopping Lists1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
create_shopping_listCreate shopping listCreate a new Shopping List1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
deplicate_shopping_listDeplicate shopping listMake a copy of an existing Shopping List1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
update_shopping_listUpdate shopping listEdit the details of an existing Shopping List1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
submit_shopping_list_for_approvalSubmit shopping list for approvalSubmit a Shopping List to a user with approval permissions1 (User), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
approve_draft_shopping_listApprove draft shopping listApprove a pending Shopping List for purchase2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
delete_shopping_listDelete shopping listDelete an existing Shopping List1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
create_shopping_list_itemCreate shopping list itemAdd products to a Shopping List1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
update_shopping_list_itemUpdate shopping list itemUpdate product information in a Shopping List1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
delete_shopping_list_itemDelete shopping list itemDelete products from a Shopping List1 (User), 2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_usersGet usersView the User management area of the Buyer Portal2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_user_detailGet user detailView a Company user’s role and contact information2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
create_userCreate userCreate a new Company user2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
update_userUpdate userEdit an existing Company user2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
delete_userDelete userDelete an existing Company user2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_rolesGet rolesView available Company user roles2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
purchase_enablePurchase EnableAllow the user to complete checkout2 (Company), 3 (Company and subsidiaries)
get_company_subsidiariesGet company subsidiariesView the Company hierarchy area of the Buyer Portal3 (Company and subsidiaries)
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