Catalog API
Product variants

Catalog - Product variants

The Catalog API manages products, categories, brands, bulk pricing rules, and more. To learn more about catalog resources, see the Catalog Overview.

A product variant is a version of a product that has its own SKU. For example, a catalog might model a particular style of high-top sneakers that come in both red and blue as one product - high-tops - with two variants - red and blue. From a storefront point of view, product variants are often what shoppers seek. They are also the object that maps to SKUs and tracks inventory. A product with one only variant is a base variant.

Our Catalog product variants endpoints let you work in two ways.

On a per-product basis, you can create and manage product variants, their images, and their metafields, which are arbitrary key-value attributes.

By design, product variants consist of a combination of product variant option values.

This API family also provides endpoints that can make batch updates to product variants from different products across the Catalog, as well as getting all variants.

The terms "product variant" and "variant" are used interchangeably throughout the documentation.

To learn more about authenticating Catalog endpoints, locate the Authentication section at the top of each endpoint, then click Show Details.



Learn more about Product webhook events.

Additional Catalog endpoints

Get all product variants


Create a product variant


Get a product variant


Update a product variant


Delete a product variant


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